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In the morning Namjoon woke up with Taehyung's wet diaper pressed to his chest. Seokjin is sleeping with arms wrapped around Taehyung and Taehyung is cuddled close to him. Namjoon only lies in the warm bed covered with soft blanket and enjoys how nice does this feel. Taehyung is snoring softly and Seokjin is mumbling something from his deep sleep. This feels like a real family morning.

Namjoon got up carefully to not wake them up and then took a clean diaper. He is very slowly changing sleeping Taehyung and then tucked him back under the blanket. Namjoon has to work and he turned on his computer in his office. He is working for one hour before very sleepy Taehyung appeared on the threshold.


Taehyung whined and opened his arms toward Namjoon who patted his lap. Taehyung runs to him and happily sat down. Namjoon wrapped one arm around his waist and patted his back.

"Did you sleep well?"

Taehyung nodded and sucks on his pacifier while tightly hugging his daddy. Meanwhile Seokjin is cooking breakfast and then called everyone in the dining room. Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook are sitting around the table and wait for Namjoon and Taehyung. They gasped when their badass boss walked in the room with the boy on his hip. Yoongi knew that there is something between Taehyung and Namjoon and now he is going to find out why did the boy called for his daddy.

"From now Taehyung is my little baby."

They don't understand what is going on but then angry Seokjin got up and took the boy from his arms.

"Yours baby? He is also mine!"

Taehyung gurgled and smiles on everyone. Hoseok cooed and comes closer to him to stroke his cheeks. Jungkook and Jimin go to cuddle with him too and only Yoongi stays sitting on the couch. After a while he silently left the living room and no one saw him because they are busy cuddling with him. They saw that Yoongi is missing after they sat down to eat breakfast. Seokjin knows that Yoongi is very grumpy, he doesn't like loud noises or bright places. Also he doesn't like when is someone touching him or being too close. Yoongi is probably sleeping again so they start to eat and then Seokjin silently brings a plate with pancakes and cup of cocoa in Yoongi's bedroom. He was right that grumpy gun and knife expert is sleeping again and then he goes back to his cute little baby.

Seokjin is already writing a list of thing which his baby needs. Toys, clothes, more diapers and cute pacifiers and bottles. Should Taehyung has his own room or a crib in their bedroom? Seokjin takes Taehyung from Hoseok's arms and strokes his back. Taehyung hugs him tightly because the other men are nice too but only his daddy and mommy. Seokjin turned on some cartoons and Namjoon with other has to work.

Seokjin is playing with Taehyung's brown locks and smiles widely at him.

"Do you want a bottle?"

Taehyung sucks on his thumb and nodded. Seokjin happily got up and walks in the kitchen. He prepared the bottle and sat down o the couch again. He laid Taehyung across his lap and pushed teat of the bottle between his lips. He starts to suck while looking in Seokjin's kind eyes and smiles. He loves this new home.

After he finished the bottle Seokjin burped him and then put him down on his feet.

"Lets go shopping!"

Seokjin leaded him in Namjoon's office and told him that they are going shopping on which Namjoon nodded and pointed at Jungkook.

"Go with them."

Jungkook nodded and goes to get dressed. Seokjin dressed him in his hoodie which is huge for him and then they got in car. Jungkook is driving and he knows that his job is protecting them but he is also going to enjoy shopping. Maybe some smaller gift for Jimin.

After few hours Jungkook's legs are tired and Taehyung is almost falling asleep. He is holding Jungkook's hand while his eyes keep closing and Seokjin is buying more and more things. They have plenty of bags with toys and clothes and Taehyung's crib and highchair is going to be loaded in their car soon. Finally Seokjin finished ruining their bank account and they can drag their tired bodies in the car. Taehyung fell asleep while Seokjin and Jungkook are putting everything in trunk of the car. Then they head home and stopped to buy pizza for lunch. Back at home Jungkook goes to take a nap while Seokjin carries Taehyung upstairs and tucked him in their bed. Now Kim Namjoon, the big mafia boss, has to build the new crib for their baby. 

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