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He wishes to find a place which he could call home with such gentle daddy. But Taehyung has no idea that they are heading to house where are living another 5 men.

Namjoon stopped in front of their house and opened the car's door for Taehyung.


Namjoon pointed toward the huge house and Taehyung gasped.

Namjoon pointed toward the huge house and Taehyung gasped

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Their house

Namjoon is holding Taehyung's hand in his and leads him toward the house. Taehyung's feet are covered only with pair of dirty socks and he curled his toes on the wet pavement. Namjoon unlocked the door and leaded Taehyung inside. He took of his jacket and hears that the rest is in the living room.

"Guys ..."

They turned to him and Taehyung hides behind Namjoon. Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jungkook and Jimin are Namjoon's closest friends and best part of his mafia gang. Well Seokjin is more than a friend, he is Namjoon's boyfriend.

"This is Taehyung. He was in the detective's house and i decided to take him with me, does anyone have a problem with it?"

They all shake their heads no and watch the TV again because they are used that Namjoon is always trying to save the world. Only Seokjin got up and goes to cook something for the sickly thin boy. Namjoon leaded Taehyung in a bathroom and then goes to find some smallest clothes they have. He left the clothes on a small table in front of the bathroom and goes back downstairs. Jin is running around the kitchen and cooks food for the boy and then turned to Namjoon.

"So should I know something important about Taehyung?"

Namjoon shakes his head no because he isn't going to tell them about the pacifier, not until he knows what it means. Namjoon hears that the water upstairs isn't running anymore and soon barefoot Taehyung appeared on threshold of the kitchen with wet hair. Namjoon thought that Jimin's clothes is going to suit him well but he wasn't right. The pants are a bit short for him and the shirt is too big. Seokjin smiled on the boy and put last plate full of food on the table. He heated up chicken, cooked fresh rice and prepared different vegetable and bowl of soup.

"Come, sit down and eat before the food gets cold."

Seokjin is smiling on him and Taehyung moves quickly and silently as a cat. He sat down and starts to hungrily eat. He is stuffing his cheeks and almost doesn't chew. He is only stuffing the food in his mouth and swallows. Seokjin and Namjoon are watching him and Seokjin doesn't have the heart to stop him. He poured a glass of orange juice for him and then smiled a bit on him.

"Is it tasty?"

Taehyung looked up on him with his deer eyes and nodded. Actually he could eat everything in this moment, his daddy didn't feed him very often. He finished and Seokjin handed him a napkin. Taehyung cleaned his hands and mouth and then yawned. Namjoon leaded him upstairs and showed him one free bedroom. Taehyung sat down on the bed and suddenly feels sick. The food rise up by his throat and he vomited all over his lap and floor. Namjoon yelled in surprise and disgust. He runs to get something to clean the floor and Seokjin came. His mother instincts are wide awake and he helped Taehyung to change his shirt and then brings him a toothbrush and toothpaste. Taehyung brushes his teeth and then Namjoon brings him glass of coke to calm down his upset stomach and then sat down next to him.

"Can you tell me why did you call him daddy?"

Taehyung plays with hem of his shirt and looked at Namjoon.

"I am little."

Then Taehyung starts to explain what it means and then during studying on high school his parents found out and kicked him out of their house. Taehyung then found a daddy - detective Park - and started to live with him. Park was nice, at least from the beginning and then started to beat him. Taehyung couldn't leave him because he had no one so he stayed.

On end of his story Taehyung laid his head on Namjoon's shoulder because he is tired. Namjoon strokes his hair and after a while when he is sure that Taehyung is sleeping, he carefully laid him down on the bed and covered him with blanket. The boy is so cute while sleeping, like a little angel and Namjoon smiled. How could he not keep someone so cute?

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