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Namjoon doesn't want to admit it but Taehyung is a terrible brat today. He wants everyone to sit around him or he cries. They need to entertain him or yes, he will cry. Namjoon already has a headache and Yoongi gives up and hided in his room. Namjoon doesn't know from where is his baby taking so much energy. He was running this morning with Jungkook because the man runs 10 kilometers every morning but Taehyung doesn't look tired. Right now he is tugging on Jimin's hair because he wants his uncle to carry him on his back like a horse. Namjoon picked up the fussy baby and slightly smacked his padded bum because he is really terrible.

"Just tell me what you want to do but stop being like this. You know how to behave like a good boy."

Taehyung only cries because he wants his mommy. Only Seokjin knows how to keep Taehyung happy while they have no idea. After very messy lunch when the baby threw everything from his sippy cup to fork, the tired daddy tucked him in his crib and almost forcibly made him to take a nap.

Namjoon fell down on their bed and sighed. How the hell he can calm down the fussy baby? He is thinking and then got an idea.

Namjoon knows what is going to entertain his baby. His friend and also another mafia boss Jackson Wang has a little boy too so he called him to come over. Taehyung is currently having a nap and Jackson promised that he is going to come after his baby finishes his nap too. So in two hours Wang arrived with his baby excitedly jumping next to him. Jackson's little one - Bambam - froze when the tall man opened the front door but then smiled when he spotted a boy peeking out from behind him.


He knows that this boy must be in little space too so he isn't shy anymore and hugs him. Bambam is staring on his new friend and Taehyung feels unsure. His daddy told him that he found a friend for him but this boy seems too weird. He is loud, his hair are pink like cotton candy and he is dragging big stuffed elephant behind him. Taehyung quite likes this elephant. It is big and colorful like a rainbow. He reached his hand to it and Bambam let him to pet his toy. Namjoon and Jackson leaded them in living room and the littles are only looking on each other. Jackson tsked and pulled Bambam's thumb out of his mouth and replaced it with blue pacifier with a dolphin. His little one sat down with his elephant next to him and Taehyung looks around. He has to do the best impression so he needs to show him only his best toys. He took his best coloring books and almost new crayons and shows it to Bambam.

Jackson knows that Taehyung chose the best possible thing because Bambam loves coloring. The boys chose a pictures and started to color while Jackson and Namjoon go in the kitchen. They let the boys to play and hear that they are starting to become closer. Bambam is very excited so Taehyung has sometimes problems with understanding him because the boy often slips into speaking Thai when he is this excited. Taehyung doesn't mind it because now he can truly play. Playing with his daddy, mommy and uncles don't feel like this, they are adults and don't have such imagination like littles. Taehyung can finally fully enjoy playing with tons of his toys and Bambam loves that he is a friend who is like him. After coloring few pictures Taehyung shows him his big doll house and Jimin joins them. He simply couldn't stand aside when he heard the littles chatting so happily and they are dressing up the Barbies. Namjoon is enjoying that his baby is laughing so much and his tears are forgotten. Jackson is glad that his hyperactive Bambam is having fun and today he won't fight during bed time.

The Thai boy is running around with Taehyung's mermaid Barbie doll but always keeps an eye on his stuffed elephant because the toy is very important for him because it was the first gift from his daddy. After few hours of playing Namjoon came with a snack for them. He prepared pizza rolls and filled two sippy cups with orange juice. Taehyung immediately runs to his daddy for his snack and Bambam is only looking on him. He still isn't sure around this man so his daddy handed him his sippy cup and few rolls on a napkin. Taehyung doesn't understand why is his friend so scared because of his daddy because in Taehyung's eyes his daddy is the best in the whole universe. Bambam is sitting on a couch next to Jackson who is holding the snack for him because Bambam has one arm wrapped around his elephant and the second is holding his sippy cup. Taehyung is sitting in lap of his daddy while Jimin is feeding him and Jungkook is rubbing his little feet and he is looking around the room like prince of this household.

After snack they are playing again but this time Taehyung pulled out his huge Hot Wheels track set. Everyone in the house is building the enormous track and then they start to play. They are racing with the cars and it looks hilarious. The most important members of BTS and boss of GOT7 gang are playing with two littles and cheer up very loudly whenever they win a round. You couldn't be able to say who is in little space because also the adults really like this toy.

They all love today's playdate but unfortunately every fun comes to its end. Bambam is the first one who started to rub his eyes. He is tired and suddenly he doesn't want to play but he wants a nap. He leaned on wide shoulder of his daddy and yawned. Jackson turned his attention from the game to his baby who is falling asleep on his shoulder and carefully picked him up.

"It was great today but it is time to go home."

Jackson goes to change Bambam's diaper for the last time and then says goodbye to Namjoon and his little one. Taehyung is waving to his new friend and uncle and watches their car leaving. Namjoon leaded Taehyung back inside the house and picked him up. He holds his baby on his hip and bounces him a bit while Hoseok and Yoongi are tidying up the living room.

"It is bath time."

Namjoon said and Taehyung squirmed in his hold because he isn't in mood for a bath but there is no place to argue with his daddy. Namjoon carried him upstairs and ran a bath while still holding Taehyung on his hip. The bath is ready in few minutes and Namjoon sat his baby inside. Taehyung is sulking but then Namjoon hands him his bath toys and he is smiling again.

Namjoon took a green sponge which looks like a frog and started to wash Taehyung. After a while the baby's soft skin is perfectly clean and Namjoon wrapped him in cute towel with a hood. He laid Taehyung on their bed and diapered him. Then comes time for clothes which is problem because Taehyung wants to stay naked at any cost. In the end Namjoon gave up and left him naked only in the diaper with Pororo design. Jimin and Jungkook cooked dinner which is only corn on the cob but it is still delicious. Namjoon put butter and sprinkled salt on corn for Taehyung and handed it to the baby who started to eat. Taehyung is sprawled in his highchair and pieces of the corn are landing on his naked tummy. More corn is sticking to his chin and cheeks but it doesn't matter, Namjoon will clean him with a napkin later. After dinner Namjoon gave him bottle of milk and sat down on bed in their bedroom. The baby is sucking on his bottle and he is slowly falling asleep while Namjoon is watching him. The baby is now too tired to care that daddy is dressing him up in a legless onesie. Then Namjoon pushed a pacifier between his full lips so Taehyung can have a calm rest and put his stuffed friend next to him. Taehyung is sucking on his pacifier and snuggled closer to his soft pillow and blanket under close watch of his daddy who makes sure that his baby is fast asleep before going to take a shower too. 

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