Part Three

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It hadn't taken too long to adapt to life within the Institute, it had taken far less time than it had getting used to the Commonwealth. Living down here, it was almost as if the war had never happened. There were no raiders constantly trying to kill you, no Super Mutants, Ghouls, giant Radroaches. Everything was clean, healthy, and radiation didn't exist. The only thing missing was Nate. He was the constant reminder that it all was real, that above our heads was a totally different world, a world I had been a part of.
My thoughts went to Nick, I hadn't returned to the Commonwealth since I first arrived here. He probably thinks I'm dead. I felt selfish, I imagine he's worried. Two months have passed since the last time I saw him. I never intended to stay for this long at a time, but I felt so comfortable. I felt whole again, almost. I had my son back, and kind of two of them.
For the most part of my time here I'd been spending it with Shaun, the synth Shaun. He isn't frightened anymore. He calls me mother. Despite the fact I know he's a synth, and not my true son, I still see him that way. I don't think I'll ever fully understand the concept of synthetic organics, but Father has shown me every part of the Institute. I've watched them be created, the technology involved, the processing of them. There are animals, it's incredible. They have advanced medicines, treatments and all sorts of things the people of the Commonwealth would kill each other for, if given the chance. I'm happy here.
But for as long as I live, I will never forget that it is the people here that killed my husband. I know it was Kellogg, but still. That I can never forgive them for, and I'll never let myself forget.

    "Hey, mum?"
I turned around, leaving my thoughts in the air as I smiled at my little boy, bending down to greet him with a hug. "Hello darling, how are you this morning?" I pinched his cheek, earning a dimpled smile in retaliation. I don't know how, but those clever bastards managed to give him Nate's genes as well as mine. I miss that smile, his face.
    "I'm OK, I wanted to ask you something."
    "Yeah? Go ahead, kiddo."
    "I'm always hearing all these stories about the world above, stories about you and where you came from. I know it's dangerous, but I really want to see it."
    "Shaun, we've spoken about this, and I've heard Father tell you how risky it is letting you up there."
    "I know, but if you were with me, I'd be safe."
    "The world up there is cruel, and no place for a child. It's full of corruption, hate, and lots of people die up there every day. You could get hurt."
    "What if we went somewhere that no one else can find us? I remember when the Courser came and took me from Mr. Kellogg. You can teleport wherever you want, and it takes you straight to that place!"
He's still too young to comprehend the things Kellogg did, and it hurts to hear him mention his name.
    "We could go straight there, and I can meet that Mr. Valentine friend you've told me all about! You said he'd like to meet me too, right? So come on! What's the danger? If we run into any trouble we can teleport straight back, I remember the code!"
    "God, you're persistent, aren't you kid?" I laughed, running a hand in his hair, brown, like his father's.
    "Please, mum. I won't ask for anything else, and it only has to be this once! I heard you telling Father that it was long overdue you go and visit your friend. Please let me come with you." Desperation dripped from his mouth, carried through his pleading voice and in his begging eyes. I hadn't been a mother long enough to have learnt how to say no to that face. I sighed, defeated.
    "I-I'll have to run it by Father."
    "That won't be necessary." Both Shaun and I jumped in our places as Father walked into the room. "We had been watching you before you came here, I know you can handle yourself in a fight. And I trust that a mother's love will keep her son alive amidst any danger. I give you my leave to travel with Shaun to the Commonwealth, but I want him back by tomorrow morning. You deserve it to your friend to show you're still alive, and that you have been reunited with your son. Mr. Valentine may bear no love for us, but I believe he will be at peace knowing you are both well and happy." Father smiled upon nearing the end of his sentence, and I stepped close to embrace him in a hug.
    "Thank you, those words were kind, and genuine, I could tell. I will keep him safe. I'm not losing him again."
    "Yay! Thank you, Father!"
    "Don't make me regret this decision. You are to stay by your mother's side at all times, do you understand?"
    "Yes Father, I promise, I will."
    "Good. Now, you'd best head out if you want to make the most of your time there. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodbye Shaun, mother."
I grabbed my little boy's delicate hand and shared a smile of nervousness and excitement, which was reflected back in his own.
    "Bye Shaun. Evelyn Winters, ready to relay with Shaun, S9 23."

The blinding lights and tingling sensation throughout my body felt no less weird compared to the first time I used the molecular relay. I clasped tightly onto Shaun's hands as the Institute was swallowed around us in blue and white flashes, and as the dimly lit Detective Agency walls opened up around us.
    "The hell was that?" Nick. "Ellie, stay there." Footsteps echoed loudly as my old friend appeared from the other side of the room, his snubnosed pistol at the ready. "Evelyn?"
    "Hey, Nick, it's been a while." I smiled, hugging him. "I'm sorry I took so long," I paused, stepping out of the way to reveal the timid boy stood behind me. The detective lowered his gun, his mouth widening at the same speed.
    "Is this?"
    "I've been reaquaintencing with my son."
His eyes travelled back and forth between the two of us, utter shock painted across his worn synthetic face.
"Nick, this is Shaun."
"Um, hello Mr. Valentine. I've heard lots about you. Thanks for helping my mummy get back to me."
"Well," Nick came closer towards us, and knelt in front of him. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Shaun, I've heard lots about you too. And I'm glad your mummy found you. She missed you every day, you know."
"I know, I missed her too. Um, so, if you're a Synth, how come your eyes are like that, and your skin is all peeling off?"
"Shaun!" I scolded, all the while slightly amused by his lack of wisdom.
Nick only laughed, "well that's because I'm an older generation Synth! The Institute weren't as intelligent when they made me, that's why I look this way."
"Then how come you don't live with us?" The boy asked.
"I prefer it out here, kiddo, and I help lots of people. I'll bet your mum told you I'm a Detective, didn't she? I wouldn't be able to do that if I was living in the Institute."
"I guess so. Wouldn't you like to visit though? Maybe they'll be able to fix you up and make you into a new Synth so that you can be more like me and the others."
The smile on Nick's face faltered upon hearing the innocent words leave the child's mouth. His eyes wandered up to meet mine with disdain. I could only frown.
For the benefit of the child, Nick regained his composure and thought of a way to appease him.
"Yeah, maybe I'll swing by some time. Hey, how would you like to be a Detective for a while, kid?"
"Really? Yeah!"
"OK, you have to use that brain of yours though," he smiled and gently tapped his fingers atop his head, earning a cheerful giggle from Shaun.
"I can be smart!"
"Well that's good. Why don't you join my assistant, Ellie over there and help her with some of my cases! I think there's a missing cat that needs finding! You can read what intel we've got and see if you can figure out where the little pets ran off to."
"Cool!" Excitedly, Shaun rushed over to where Ellie Perkins was standing with a wave and introduced himself. "Hello miss, I'm Detective Shaun and I've come to solve the mystery of the missing cat!"
The three of us adults laughed, happiness being a rare sight in this new world. I turned back towards Nick, and he gestured towards to the sofa.
"So, Evelyn, it looks like we've got lots to catch up on."

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