Part Ten

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"Mommy!" My little boy leapt from the floor upon seeing my entering into the bedroom. He was in my arms seconds later.
"Oh, Shaun. I'm so glad you're OK. God, what did I tell you? Rules are rules! You know you don't leave the city!" I placed both of my shaking hands upon his innocent cheeks, capturing his apologetic expression between the clasps of my fingers.
"Mom, I'm sorry. I just wanted to help Mr. Valentine! I heard Danny talking about the missing cat, and I thought that if I just caught it and brought it back, then-"
"Wait, you went to chase Arturo's cat? That's the reason you went outside the gates?!"
"Yeah." He didn't say anything more, patience setting in for my response. I wanted shout, scream at him, embrace him with a hug. But in this very moment, my brain chose the best reaction to be laughter. A hideous guffaw slipped through the gaps of my gaping mouth, shocked at his naivety. Despite the fact he'd put himself in danger out in a world unbeknownst to him, I felt proud.
"I...I can't believe you," I laughed again. "Y-you're grounded."
"I'm what?"
"You're grounded. You're not allowed out of the house. No more comics, no seeing friends. Yep, you're grounded. For ever."
"OK." He smiled with a slight shrug of his petite shoulders.
"That's it? OK? You're not going to argue?"
"Why would I? It just means I get to stay with you. The people here, they've been friendly, especially Robolady, but I missed you." For a minute I was too gobsmacked to speak.
"Heh, just like your father." I mumbled, musing.
I bet he's out there laughing.
"Your father had the good tendency of acting all sweet, even when we were in a difficult situation. It was one of the many traits in him I loved."
"I like seeing you smile, mom." I smiled brighter, placing a hand in his hair and mussing it up.

"Pretty admirable kid you've got there."
A deep voice appeared from behind me, catching me off guard. "Oh, Paladin," I rose to my feet, brushing myself off before flashing a small smile. "I didn't realise you were there."
"Hi Mr!" Shaun waved.
"Good morning soldier," Danse grinned down at my son, placing a balled fist against his chest, a notion in which Shaun returned. The Paladin winked, I stared at him. "Would you mind if I spoke to your mom for just a moment?"
"Yes sir!"
"Thank you," he nodded his head and then turned towards me, amusement written across his features. "I didn't mean to interrupt, Elder Maxson has commanded me to invite you to the command deck, he'd like to have a word with the both of us."
"S-sure," I turned back to face Shaun, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "You're to stay here for me, alright? No wandering off!"
"I won't, I promise."
"You'd better not, or you're double grounded! And you don't wanna know what that means." I felt the Paladin chuckle lightly beside me, but when I glanced up at his face he showed no sign of amusement.
Nate had been the same, always catching me out with his military training.
"Yes mum. See you soon."

With the Paladin by my side, we took the short hike up to the command deck in silence, to find Elder Maxson adorning his signature stance and battle coat.
"Ah, I've been expecting you. I trust by now you've been reunited with your son?" The Elder had greeted us both, but he'd begun with the direct questions aimed at me.
"Yes, thank you. He's well."
"I'm pleased to hear that. Anyway, now that you're both here, there's something I'd like to discuss with you." Maxson glanced out of the windows, releasing a troubled sigh. "I do care about them you know, the people of the Commonwealth." He paused, turning to meet my eye. He wants a reply, but not from Danse.
"I can see that, from your speech. They're playing with fire, and you believe we need to save them."
"So just like that, it's 'we'? Is this really what you want, to be a part of the Brotherhood of Steel?"
I kept my eyes locked onto his, an unanswered enigma scurrying deep within the lines that dented his forehead. I stayed that way for a while, until I broke the contact and paced towards the windows to stand beside him. Paladin Danse tensed as I challenged the protocol, and Elder Maxson clenched his jaw. I spoke before he had time to throw a word in.
"Before the bombs, everything had been so different. I mean, there were always government to government issues, but, the world was peaceful. People didn't go out of their way to ruin the lives of others. You didn't fear stepping outside of your front door in the off chance of being shot at, or running into super mutants. You'd step out onto your lawn and smile at the neighbours, wave to the Hawthornes as they mowed the grass. It was symmetrical, repetitive, but it was life, and it was home." I gazed down at the world below me, spotting the Mass Fusion building and the distant glow of Boston Common. I closed my eyes, the swan boats were out on the lake, children were laughing, families smiling. When they opened again, all I saw was the distant memory replaced with destruction. I sighed, and turned back to face them both.
"I want to start taking responsibility for this planet, to start making a difference. Since coming here, hearing what you have to say, I think I've already begun that journey. I just hope we're here in time. I refuse to allow the mistakes of the past to be repeated. So, anything you need, Elder. You just say the word."

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