Part Fifteen

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The large hull of the Prydwen filled the sky, emerging through the thick white clouds that had swarmed the late afternoon sky. A hum from the vertibird created a peaceful melody that filled the silence that had befallen between the Paladin and I. My leg had healed very well thanks to the talents of Doctor Sun, but an occasional twang of pain reminded me that I shouldn't go too hard on it for a little while.

We were soon enough being lifted up towards the flight deck, and Lancer Captain Kells could be spotted, seemingly awaiting our arrival.
"Permission to board, sir?" Paladin Danse questioned the man of authority in his professional tone, offering the Brotherhood salute.
"Permission granted, and welcome back Paladin, Knight." He turned his head and sent a nod of greeting in my direction.
"And what are my orders, sir?"
"You're both to report to Elder Maxson immediately. That is all for now."
"Roger that."
"On your way soldiers."

Danse and I climbed the stairs that led towards the command deck as I released a sigh.
"Of all the people on this ship, he has got to be the most strict. What gives with the stick up his ass?" I questioned and Danse stifled a laugh.
"He just likes to do things properly."
"Well, the day he cracks a smile I'll most likely die from a heart attack." This time Danse wasn't able to stop the laugh from coming out, a prolonged smile staying on his lips. He had to force it away the second Elder Maxson came into our sights.

"Welcome back, both of you. I trust you were able to get everything that you need from your house in Diamond City?" The Elder began his formalities as per usual with questions.
"Yes sir, the scribes on the flight deck volunteered to offload the boxes. There's only three of them." He nodded in response, "that's good. I'm glad that you've decided you'll be staying aboard with us."
"It makes sense to, though I'm not so comfortable being in the air for so long."
"Don't worry," Danse interjected. "You'll get used to sleeping comfortably underneath massive containers of highly flammable gas soon enough." He had a slight smirk upon his lips as he spoke, his eyes whistling amusement. It was hard to remain professional and not punch him in the arm before the Elder. A glare in his direction was the best I could do.
"It's evident that the two of you are getting along, so I expect to see a boost in both of your performances. Now, is there anything you need to tell me? I couldn't help but notice a slight limp in your walk, Knight Winters, a recent injury, I presume?"

Elder Maxson folded the palms of his hands together and held them in a position of authority in front of his person. His piercing gaze stared the both of us down, and Danse nodded in my direction, declaring that I inform the Elder about what had happened upon our visit to Diamond City.
"Yes sir. Danse and I were due to leave Diamond City at around midday, but a commotion in the street delayed us. A friend of mine named Danny Sullivan had been shot and pushed from the top of the elevator up by the mayor's office. Once the doctor was on his way, he informed me that Mayor McDonough had been engaged in conversation with a Gen 1 Institute synth, and later it was discovered that the mayor was also a synth."
"Absolutely disgraceful! It sickens me that they continue to infiltrate neighbouring cities and pose as humans. Who better than the mayor to control the people? I'm guessing that you dealt with that abomination accordingly?"
"Yes, the Brotherhood now has one less synth to worry about."
"Excellent work, it's a good job you were both present at that time, or else things could have ended differently. Was this friend of yours able to be saved?"
"Yes, I gave him a Stimpak almost immediately, and later saw that the doctor had patched him back to revival."
"Exceptional work, Knight. You're love for the people will only help to spread the Brotherhood's passion across the Commonwealth." He offered the hint of a smile, but behind his eyes he held the resent for those who continue to threaten our peace. "And what of your leg?"
"Sir, if I may offer some more information?" Danse stepped forward, and I released an internal sigh, unsure as to how Maxson would react to this next piece of news.
"Go ahead, Paladin."
"Before we gunned down the mayor, he told us the conversation that had been discussed with the Institute synth. If he can be believed, the Institute had deemed him too old to continue with his tasks. They'd said he wasn't able to return to them unless he complete a task for them, unless he do their dirty work." He paused, catching my eye before continuing. "He'd been ordered to kill Evelyn, declaring her a 'persisting problem'. He attempted this, but failed. Fortunately his mind was clouded and his poor aim resulted in a simple gun shot to her leg, as opposed to anywhere else that could have proved fatal. We also received help from the city's security upon them hearing the sound of gunfire. However, it has been made clear that the Institute see Evelyn as a threat, and I fear that they will try their luck with future assassination attempts."

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