Part Thirteen

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The streets of Diamond City were as bustling as ever as its residents began to finish up for the day's work. Piper and Nick tailed behind me as we left the detective agency and headed in the general direction of the market.
"So, this Brotherhood guy who's now your mentor is in your house?" Piper asked as we turned into the square.
"Yeah, he said that's where he'll be."
My attention was taken from my female friend and directed at a slight commotion present at the Power Noodle shack. I stopped in my tracks as my mouth fell slightly agape, my two companions curiously following my gaze to witness the event.

"All right robot, you can drop the act. Who are you working for?!"

Paladin Danse stood provocatively in front of the protectron running the noodle house, his demeanour screaming the attribute of almost everyone living in Diamond City; although this wasn't a synth, and evidently a robot not trying to hide in plain sight. I felt my gut clench, humiliation seeping in.

"Nan-ni shimasho-ka?" Was all the robot could physically say in its own defence.
"You might think you're clever, but if you step out of line, I'll melt you into slag. I've got my eye on you."

At this moment in time, I wanted to be the one that was melted.

Having seemed to notice my embarrassment, Piper put the two together and gasped.
"Oh my god, that's him, isn't it?" When I didn't answer, she repeated herself, only this time louder. "That's the big, tough and handsome Brotherhood guy?!" Her obnoxiously loud and recognisable reporter voice earned a few nosey stares from those loitering the streets, including Danse's himself. "Well, Blue. At least you weren't lying about the 'handsome' part."

The Paladin's eyebrows rose as his gaze flicked to mine, evidently noticing my rosy cheeks. I pretended something in the distance had caught my eye, furrowing my brows as if utterly distracted by it. When Danse turned to figure out what it was that had my attention, I threw a rough elbow into Piper's ribs, earning a chuckle from Nick.
"Ooooowww!" She yelped, causing the man to turn back, further confusion imminent in his eyes. They focused on Piper, then travelled back towards me, and finally narrowed once he spotted the presence of the synth.

"Danse," Nick spoke cautiously, to which he replied, "Valentine," with the same tone. Now it was my face that resembled confusion.
"You guys know each other?"
"We've had the occasional run in with the other." Said Nick, their gazes not moving from him stood before him.
"Okaay, as much as I'd love to see who wins this totally awkward staring contest, notice the emphasis on 'love', I've gotta make dinner for my little sister. Catch you later Blue, Nicky. Oh, and you two," she gestured between the Paladin and I, "play nice out there."
That seemed to snap Danse back into reality as he tore his gaze away from Nick and stared at Piper.
"Only if it 'plays nice' back, citizen."
"Yeesh, have fun with that one, Blue."
The boisterous female turned on her heel and headed towards Publik Occurrences. The sudden wave of quietness that swept between us became uncomfortably evident upon her departure. The intensity that seemed to radiate back and forth between the synth and the man hung in the air like a red balloon, ready to burst at any given moment.

"Man, I could really use a drink. I think I'm gonna head over to the Dugout Inn, if anyone wants to join." I raised my voice to overpower the tension, clapped my hands to scare it away. Danse decided to survey his surroundings. His eyes landed on Takahashi, John the barber, the countless security. They wandered up to the mayor's office, to the upper stands, lingering on the Colonial Taphouse.
"I suppose I wouldn't mind getting a drink." He said finally after what felt like a year of silence. Both our eyes fell to the detective.
"As much as I've enjoyed my time catching up, I've already been away from the desk too long. I'm working on my most tenacious case yet, his names Eddie Winter. Guys a damned menace if ever I saw one."
"Alright Nick, I hope you catch him." I smiled.
"One day," he sighed. "One day. Good to see you again, Evelyn. And I'm real glad you found your boy again. You know I'll always help you protect him from those who would do him harm." A sternness in his voice appeared as he transformed his gaze to Danse when he finished his sentence.
"As would I." Danse spat back.
"It baffles me that you've suddenly got a vested interest in this kid now that you know the true nature of his identity."
"The corporate apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Guess that's what sparks your reasoning." Danse's words were bitter as he paced a step forward, closer to the synth.

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