Part Twenty Three

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With all of the hard work that had gone into Liberty Prime over the last few weeks, Maxson had demanded I take a day or two off before heading out on my next dangerous mission to the Glowing Sea. To say I was grateful would have been an understatement.

I'd planned on spending the first day with my son. I would jump at the opportunity any given time I had the chance. And the second day, I'd stock up on ammunition, food, supplies and any aid I'd be needing for the task; predominantly Stimpaks and RadAway.

I was on my way towards Shaun's room where Paladin Danse was currently keeping him company when the conversation between a group of Brotherhood Aspirants caught my attention.
   "Looks like Liberty Prime is really coming along. I can't wait to see him smash the Institute!"
   "They won't stand a chance!"
I kept my eyes ahead of me as I passed by. Is everyone really so desperate for war?
   "Well, with him on our side, it'll certainly be a quick war."
They proceeded with their discussion, but soon enough their voices died down the minute I heard giggles and laughter coming from inside my child's room. I paused a moment to listen and smile before stepping inside.
   "Ah, Evelyn. Hi."
   "Mommy! You're back!" He leapt from the floor beside my friend and into my arms.
   "I was only gone for an hour!" I laughed, holding him close. Danse's eyes met mine, lingering a while, our smiles for one another. "What were you two laughing at?" I pondered, adjusting to sit in front of the Paladin, with Shaun positioning himself on my lap.
   "Mr Travis on the radio. He's so silly, isn't he? What does he get all nervous for? He's not really talking to anyone, is he? Just himself."
I laughed because it was agreeable; Travis wasn't exactly Radio DJ material.
   "OK, mister. I picked you up a new history book. It's called 'Britain's Brexit Years'." I held it out to him and he passed it straight to Danse whose eyes it up at the excitement of a new read. He turned to the first page and began reading aloud.
   "It all started with a public vote."

I leant back against the side rungs of the bed just as Shaun clambered off of my lap and onto Danse's. My heart paused momentarily before spreading a warmth throughout me. With the feeling of peaceful content, I closed my eyes and listened to the ramblings of Diamond City Radio.

   "The Brotherhood of Steel is in the news...again...Or at least, people are talking about them. The latest is...God, you're really not going to believe this...I swear it's true...There's a big, uhh, construction project...going on...that, uhh, appears to be a...well, a giant robot."

I opened my eyes and glanced over at the two boys, but both were nose deep in the history book. Well, if the Institute were unaware about the reconstruction of Liberty Prime, they'll sure know about it now.

   "Is this...uhh, maybe something we should, you know, be concerned about? I guess...uhh, I guess all we can do is, uhh, wait...and, and see? Right? I'll...I'll just play some music, and hope it all turns out okay.."

The peaceful rhythm of piano keys replaced the sound of Travis Miles' panicked voice as 'The End Of The World' started to play.

  Why does the Sun go on shining?
 Why does the sea rush-

The speakers spat at the sound of interference, making me jump.

   "People of the Commonwealth."

Paladin Danse's eyes matched with mine at the sound of a new broadcaster on the radio. That voice is no stranger to me.
   "For years now you have suspected that the Institute still exists, that we are among you. It's true."

My hand found its way to Shaun's leg, and seconds later Danse had put his on top of it.

   "We are here."

..Don't they know....

   "And we are your Masters."

..The end of the world..

Shivers crept down my spine, jumping from rung to rung, hair to hair.

   "Our superior technology represents the future of the Commonwealth. Soon, we will be activating our nuclear reactor, ensuring that we will persevere long after the world above ceases to exist. Ensuring that Mankind has a future."

..It ended when I lost your love.

   "We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your pathetic existences."

..Why everything's the same as it was...

   "We simply insist that you do not interfere with Institute operations. To do so would result in your annihilation."

..It's the end of the world....

   "You may rest easy, knowing that the future is out of your control."


Shaun's eyes held a fear I never wanted to see in them, my hand was trembling beneath Danse's even as he squeezed it tight, and my heart was racing.

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