Part Six

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The job had been a breeze. Ferals are something I've come across a hell of a lot since venturing out into this godforsaken hell hole. Vile, irradiated creatures, and my god, the smell.
The stench that had been festering in Mass Pike Tunnel was beyond unbearable, and only grew stronger the deeper in I crept.
The Glowing One I had found had been the worst, and had proved to be the toughest opponent. Yet here I was, passing through the large green gates of Diamond City, the bustling settlement that I had declared the safest refuge for Shaun and I. The 'Great Green Jewel of the Commonwealth'. This city has a stench of its own; one that consisted of rust, thick walls bitten over time, the familiar burning of industry. All were smells that had people wrinkling their noses in disgust, yet the air was layered beneath the sweet smell of noodles, the comforting smell of home. Nowhere will ever be home again.

"Welcome back to Diamond City, miss. The stalls are still open for trade if you need to top up on any supplies."
I smiled at the well-supervisioned guard as he greeted me with a nod, "thank you." Despite the overcast cramping the sky's natural blue into its deepest corners, he still bore his sunglasses as though it was a sunny day. 

As I headed towards my house, I noticed a few people gathered around in the market, nosiness peaking my interest.
"Even the sky isn't safe, did you see that big Brotherhood blimp? Who the hell are they?"
"Have you ever seen anything like that? The airship? God, they must have an entire army on that thing!"
In a world ravaged by chaos, radiation and fear, common gossip seems to spread like wildfire, and the arrival of the Brotherhood airship had swept up conversations like dust.

"You need something, scavver?" My presence had been made aware of when a guard clocked me, resulting in the eyes of the crowd landing on me.
"If it isn't my favourite former icicle."
"Hey Blue, how you holding up?"
I smiled at the two of my friends, those being a rare commodity in this day and age. "Piper, Nick. Nice to see the gossip is up to date." The sarcasm earned a smirk from the reporter, but had Valentine rolling his eyes.
"Kinda hard not to talk about that thing. First there's the Institute lurking in the shadows, now the Brotherhood of Steel appear in a huge airship, claiming they're here on 'peaceful' terms. Yeah right, like holding a knife at someone's throat and ensuring not to slit their neck is promising enough to believe it."
"I know the world has already ended, but I think the true end of civilisation will be the day you have nothing left to write about in that paper of yours."
"You always know exactly what to say, don't you Nick?"

Chuckling as the two of them challenged the other, I pulled the keys from my back pocket and gestured towards the front door of my house. "I'm gonna head on and see my son, you two fancy something to eat? I've got some salisbury steak just dying to be eaten."
"Count me in! Always the gracious host, eh Blue."
"You know I don't need to eat, but I'll pop in for a drink, and see where your boy has got to with that comic."
"He didn't come see you last night? He was near to finishing it when I left on my job yesterday afternoon." I frowned, turning to face Nick after closing the door.
"No, Ellie and I decided to tackle our annual office tidy-up yesterday, so I didn't leave the office. I couldn't have missed his stopping by."
"Heh, if he's anything like yours truly he's probably holding onto his sources for as long as possible to ensure he gets every little piece of info outta of it." Piper chuckled to herself, but my suspicion had already began to stretch.

"Shaun! I'm home!" I called up. The only sound response was the creaking of the walls, the eerie echo of the apocalypse. "Shaun?" And now the thumping of my heartbeat bounced among the walls as I ran up the narrow stairwell, my fears coming to life as I was met with an empty room. "He's not here," I whispered, though loud enough to have Piper begin asking questions.
"He's bound to be wandering round here somewhere. Nicky, feel like checking the security station? I've seen him hanging around there sometimes. Blue," she called, catching my troubled gaze. "I'll head over to the schoolhouse, see if he's gone to meet up with some of his kid friends. Don't worry, we'll find him. Kids like to explore, I'll bet he's snuck into the upper stands or something. Trust me, I've found Nat up there more times than I can remember."
"Piper's right, don't give yourself unnecessary stress, your hair will fall out." Nick placed a comforting hand upon my shoulder as I reached the bottom of the stairs.
"I just can't help myself sometimes, so much has happene-."

"You don't need to think about that now, this isn't like that."
"No, you're right. I can't keep assuming the worst everytime there's a slight hindrance. Heck, the Commonwealth's gotta have some good in it, right?"
"That's the spirit. Come on, Blue."
The three of us left my house, dinner plans lying forgotten beneath the stress of Shaun's absence. Piper headed on towards the schoolhouse and Nick went to check out the security office. With a sigh, I looked around, every face I saw that wasn't my son's resulting in both frustration and disappointment.
"What, you got a starin' problem?"
"You keep looking at me like that, I'm gonna start thinkin' you're a synth."
Synths. Shaun. 
"Uh," I closed my eyes, shook my head. "Sorry officer, have you seen my little boy? He's not at home."
"Do I look like a fucking babysitta? Get out of my face, I got important shit to do."
"That's no way to talk to a citizen, go report back to the office. Now." The agitated face of the security guard stood before me melted into an expression of humiliation mixed with guilt upon being overheard by his superior, Danny Sullivan.
"Y-yes sir," he mumbled, before scurrying away, his dignity sinking into the dirt beneath his boots.
"Apologies about that, he falsely accused his mother of being a synth this morning, he didn't much like the consequences." Danny offered an uneasy smile, Nick appearing from behind him.
"Yikes," the voice of my female friend marked Piper's reappearance. She too was alone.
"Danny, I don't suppose you've seen my boy have you, Shaun?" Despite my efforts to hide it, my voice sounded desperate.
"That's actually what I came out here to tell you, I saw him yesterday. I was sat at the noodle stand eating with a fellow guard and he was sat aways from us, tucking into some noodles. All of a sudden, he just bolts off, heads towards the gate."
"What?! Did he get out?"
"Soon as I realised he was headed there, I got up and radioed the guys out on patrol. By the time they picked up the damn thing they'd lost sight of him."
"You let him get out? And you didn't think to have guys go after him?!" I couldn't contain it, anger and mistrust had boiled over the brim.
"If only I had that option, you know I'm not authorised to allow the guards to leave their posts." Danny's eyes were filled with regret. I sighed.
"What reason would he have to leave the city? He knows he's not allowed, not without me. We have rules."
"I wish I knew."
"Dammit!" I shouted, my heart thumping with anxiety and panic, my mind running with worrying ideas. "I'm going to go look for my son, again. Jeez. I swear to God I'm keeping him on a leash from now on, and I'll be damned if I ever let him out of my sight again." Rubbing my face against my hand, I erased the toxic thoughts contaminating my better judgment.
"I'm coming with you," said Nick.
"Yeah, me too."
"Thanks, you two. I'm gonna need you both to keep me level-headed when we get out there. And Danny, can you do me a favour?" I turned quickly towards him. "If Shaun happens to turn up whilst we are out on this goddamn manhunt, I need you to get a message to Travis to broadcast it on the radio. I'll keep my Pipboy tuned to the frequency, that way I'll know the second he hits home."
"Sure thing, Evelyn. I-I'm sorry I let him slip out. If it's any consolation, I'll keep myself posted on guard duty on the perimeter so I can keep an eye out too."
"I'd appreciate that Danny, thanks. I'll see you another time."
"Take care of yourself out there folks, the Commonwealth don't much like spitting up loose ends."

In The Shadow of Steel (Paladin Danse)Where stories live. Discover now