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"Hey wake up" I heard a voice

"Five minutes" I rolled over in bed pulling my pillow over my head

"One.. Two"

I flew off my bed and landed on the floor with a thud "What the Hell!?" I looked up and saw the guys standing there, I decided to give them the finger "Assholes"

Frank put his hands up "Not our fault"

"Yeah your mom needs you" Mikey added

"Damnit" I sighed running my hand through my natural black hair "Alright I'll be down in a minute"

They all nodded and left, Gerard gave me an odd look before he left but I didn't want to ask

I quickly got dressed and went downstairs "alright what do you need?" I asked my mom as I grabbed a apple

She handed me a list "I need you to go to the store for me"

"Why can't dad go?" I asked with a mouth full of apple

"He was called into work" she said as she put her jacket on "And so was I" she grabbed her keys "Apparently theres an emergency down at the hospital, a bad car accident and they need all the help they could get"

My mom is a registered nurse while my dad is a Detective, Their never really home but I'm old enough I understand, Just the little bit of time I get with them is enough cause there's even times I don't see them for days

I sighed "Alright" I didn't mind doing stuff for my mom but I hated going to the store

She handed me the money, by the looks of it she nor dad will be home for awhile "Get yourself some snacks for after school and some" she looked at the boys then cleared her throat "...you know" she leaned in and whispered in my ear "Pads and other things you'll need"

"Eww Mom" I cringed

She put her hands up in defence "I saw in the trash can upstairs and just want you to have enough... Things"

I quickly grabbed my keys and my pink leather jacket "Okay yeah I'm leaving"

The guys followed behind "It was nice seeing you again" Gerard smiled at mom

"It was nice seeing you too stop by again soon!" She called out as the door closed

We all pilled into my car and headed to store


Once we got there I got everything on the list and got the other stuff as I was being checked out He was working

"Hey Jade" Ben gave me that creepy smile as he walked over

"Hi" I never looked at him

He sighed knowing I didn't want to talk "C'mon I'm trying to be nice here"

"Well I'm not" I looked at him "I can't stand to even look at you after what you did"

Ben was my boyfriend a year ago, I thought I was in love, Did everything he asked me to do, did things I didn't really want to do but that's what love does.. It blinds you and makes you do stupid things, then one day I found out he had been cheating since the beginning then posted things of me on the internet making it seem like I was the bad guy

"What did I ever do to you?" He smarted off " I treated You like a princess and this is how you pay me back?" He shook his head "You really are nothing but a fucking little whore that'll sleep with anybody to get attention"

I kicked him where the sun don't shine and walked away with tears threatening to fall

I heard footsteeps come up from behind "You okay?" Gerard asked

"I'm fine" I saw people staring "Lets just go" I payed for the stuff and we left


We all sat around the living room watching a movie when my phone rang, I knew by the ringtone it was mom probably checking up on "Hey mom"

"How's everything going?" She asked, I coumd hear some noises in the back

"Everything's fine just watching a movie doing some homework with the guys" I put some popcorn in my mouth

"What you working on?" She asked

I picked up my sketchbook "Art right now" I paused swallowing the food "Me and Gerard have a art project due Tuesday"

"Well what is it that you have to do?" I could tell she was on her lunch brake as I heard some muches

"Just draw a picture of anything that comes to mind" I shrugged, I looked over at Gerard who was drawing little characters one looked like a ape man and one looked like he had powers to talk to the dead or something, I decided to draw myself but in a anime style, Black long hair with a pink stripe, Black leather jacket

"Sounds fun" I could hesr someone in the background "I'm sorry honey I gotta go"

I sighed "Alright love you"

"Love you too" she hung up

I gave another sigh before getting back to the movie and my sketch


"Sure you guys don't want to stay over tonight?" I asked "You know we have plenty of room"

Ray shook his head "No I actually have Guitar lessions in the morning"

"My parents want me to go to a stupid breakfast thing" Frank graoned

"And our Mom wants us to go visit our grandma tomorrow" Mikey added

I nodded, I'll be honest I wanted at least someone to stay, I hated being alone "Ok.." I bit my lip and started closing the door "I'll see you later then"

They all turned around and started walking away, well that was till a hand stopped me from closing the door

"You okay?" Gerard asked "I could always go another day"

I shook my head "No you need to go, I know your grandma isn't doing well and I think you need to go" I paused "Don't worry I'll be fine"

He looked upset "Alright well goodnight" he turned around

"Night" I closed the door behind me, I turned off the Tv and started turing off lights

I went upstairs and reached my room, Pictures of me and the guys throughout the years on one wall poster of different bands on another, I walked over to the  body length mirror and hated what I saw, I hated who I was.. I wasn't strong, I was Pretty I wasn't anything, I lifted my shirt to see the scars that I hid from my parents and the guys.. That was three years ago why haven't they faded much

I shook my head and pulled off my shirt putting on my pajamas, as I sat on my bed I picked up the picture of me and Gerard when we were little, Both smiling like idiots not a care in the world.. I've always had a crush on him but I keep it to myself cause one I don't think he thinks of me in that way and two I don't want to ruin a friendship

I set the picture down and popped in one the CD the guys made me of songs they wrote and performed in Gerard and Mikey's basement, They were really good maybe they should think about going big, The first song that came on was called Thank You For The Venom

I started singing along to it only to quickly fall asleep

This takes place when Jade is 16 and say the guys are about 15-19 okay?

Life Before (Prequel to Ghost a MCR Faboulus Killjoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now