I woke up and got a bit of water which seeing I only had about a bottle left I knew I'd have to go find more, I've been staying in this house for a few days now luckily no Dracs or anybody from Better Living or for short BLI don't come through here often

I got my backpack and grabbed the car keys, I grabbed my knifes and my mask and headed out


I grabbed some food and water to last me about a week or two, I grabbed my backpack and the other bag and took them out to the car, As I walked to towards it I saw a few people checking it out, I quickly grabbed my knife and waited

I've been doing better at these kind of things, Surviving on my own

Soon I heard footsteps coming towards me then they came around the corner, I grabbed them pushing them onto the ground knife to their throat then I saw who it was

"Jade?" Gerard asked

I got off of him "G..Gerard?"

He stood up and wrapped his arms around me "I thought you were dead"

I just sobbed into his chest


I took them to the house and once they told me they ran away from BLI I decided we'd all stay here

Gerard looked at me "Jade?"

I looked at him "Yeah?" I kinda knew what he was going to ask next

He sighed probably not wanting to ask "That night.. We heard gunshots then you ran down the road crying... What happened?"

I looked down and bit my lip "Better Living" I looked back at him "Korse came to my house and killed my parents right in front of me, He somehow heard what we had planed and he came after me" I tried not to let the tears slip from my eyes "He shot my parents in the head right in front of me"

He looked down "I'm sorry"

"Told you didn't I?" Frank leaned against the wall "Told You it would get us or anyone around us killed"

"Frank" Ray looked at him "Shut the fuck up alright"

I never looked up "He's right though"  I paused "I should've never said anything at all and now look" I looked up looking around "I got myself in this mess and now you guys" I stood up and walked away

I walked into the bedroom and looked at myswlf in the mirror "Stupid fucking Idiot!" I screamed as I kept punching the wall "Fucking worthless piece of shit!"

I felt arms wrap around me, They turned me around and put my head into their chest

"Stop it" Gerard pet my hair "Everything will be fine"

I just contined Sobbing, what if it wasn't going to be fine.

Life Before (Prequel to Ghost a MCR Faboulus Killjoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now