"Name's Dr Death-Defying" the man held out his hand

We all looked at each other with weird confused looks but we shook it off "Alright Welcome Aboard" Party shook his hand

"So what you gonna do around here?" Ghoul nodded towards him "we all take part in something around here"

Dr Death put his arms out "I'll be the DJ baby" he smiled "I already got the equipment and besides we need better music then stuff then what they play plus I can do more then that"

We all nodded "Alright" I smiled "Theres a old shack near zone 3 you can set up there" I looked at him "If You need help we can go with you to set up"

He shook his head "Nah I'll be A-Okay babe besides I got Show Pony with me" and with that he left

We looked at each other "Show Pony?" We all asked simultaneously, we shrugged and got back to whatever we were doing before

I went to my bedroom and painted a big skull on the one wall and hung a few pictures I had of me, My family and the guys... Though they are my family, They've always been there since day one

I sat on my bed and started to draw, Something I've always liked doing... especially since Gerard got me into it, it was Something I usually do to get things off my mind

I heard a knock "Everything alright?" Party asked

I nodded "Yeah, just a bit bored" I set the sketch book down "Why?"

He leaned against the wall crossing his arms "Usually you only draw for either one a school project or two somethings bothering you" he paused "So talk"

I shook my head "Nothings wrong, For once I just felt like drawing" I wasn't lying

He rasied an eyebrow "You sure"

I chuckled "Yes, You know you don't have to worry about me all the time"

He shrugged "Can't help it.. Your my best friend and I care about you, Sometimes more then I care about myself"

I went to say something when Kobra came rushing in "We got a problem" he rushed out

Me and Party looked at each other and ran out the door, We saw a Better Living car coming this way "Shit" I mumbled, I turned and looked at the guys "Make everything look like nobody's been here for awhile and Hide"

They all nodded and did as I said, I went to go hide in my room but was pulled into a room by Party and brought close to him in his closet "The hell?" I whispered

He rolled his eyes "There's more room in here to hide then in there" he nodded towards my room "now shut up"

We heard some footsteps and a few doors opening, Party drew his gun ready to shoot which I was surprised a bit, We just started this and he knew what to do already

Soon "Nobody's here" we heard "We're in the clear"

"Maybe not" That voice sent shivers down my spine "Look" I heard Korse "She's been here, I know she has"

Me and Party looked at each other wide eyed

"But by the looks of it she ran off" the one voice spoke "Maybe she isn't far"

"Alright" Korse sighed "Let's keep looking and ghost any Killjoys you find"

We waited a few minutes before Party popped his head out "That was close" I didn't move, I slid down bringing my knees to my chest, he turned and noticed me "Hey it's alright we're safe"

I never looked at him "Are we?"

"C'mon don't talk like that" he sat down next to me "We got this, We know what we're doing now"

I shook my head "What if one day we fuck up and make a mistake" I looked at him "We're done... We're Dusted, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you or any of the guys"

He looked down "I feel the same way Jade" he looked back at me "Just those few days you weren't around I was a mess, I thought you died.. We all did" he paused "Then we found you.. We were a family again, We're all we have now, we only have each other"

Life Before (Prequel to Ghost a MCR Faboulus Killjoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now