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Ghost's POV

I woke up and stretched, I had a werid feeling in my stomach but I shook it off, like always I grabbed some water and food before I head out to look for supplies

I threw the can away and to do finished the water and headed out the door, Mask on, Gun loaded and Knifes handy


I got to a old store and luckily found enough supplies for at least three days, I put them in my bag and headed back

Once I got back and began putting things away I heard a noise, I slipped my mask on and drew my gun

I went around the back and found a Drac, not a problem it was only one

I put my gun back in the holster deciding to do it stealthy, I grabbed one of my knives and slit the Dracs throat

"Nice work" I heard behind me, My eyes widened as I turned to face Korse "Run" he smiled

I did, I could see bullets fly by me, one nipping my arm and my hair

Party's POV

"I'll be back" I walked past the guys as they played cards with Missile

"Where You going?" Kobra asked

"Need some air" I shrugged "which you should do as well" I tossed him the keys "Take Missile and get out of here for awhile"

"Aren't you coming with us?" Star asked as he got out of the booth

"No I think I need some alone time" I sighed

"So your gonna.." Ghoul moved his hand down and made that gesture 

I slapped him upside the head "Shut up and No"

"I was kidding!" He whined as he walked out the room

"We'll see you soon then" Kobra patted my back as everyone left, I watched as the car took off and I decided to go for that walk

Ghost's POV

I ran and ran till my lungs felt like they were on fire, I tripped and rolled into a ditch

I laid there trying to breathe but it was no use, I rolled onto my side and started coughing.. Which hurt like hell "Oh shit"

I heard footsteps come over to me, I quickly put my mask back on and pointed my gun towards them thinking it was Draculoids or Korse

There stood a Killjoy with bright red hair, I noticed his jacket and I knew who it was "Party?"

He took off his mask with wide eyes "Ghost?"

Party's POV

As I was walking I looked to my right and saw someone laying on the ground, I wasn't going to walk over but something told me to, I slipped on my mask and began walking towards them, besides if it was a dusted killjoy they needed the proper burial

As I walked closer my stomach turned, I felt uneasy then the they moved... they were alive, I quickly started to rush over then a gun was pointed at me... I knew that mask

"Party?" She asked

My eye's widened as I pulled My mask up "Ghost?"

Her body went limp, I quickly bent down to check her pulse.. Thankfully she had one

Was this really her?, I noticed her arm was bleeding a bit, she had been shot, some hair was missing as well Then I saw the necklace

I picked her up and carried her back home

Life Before (Prequel to Ghost a MCR Faboulus Killjoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now