Two months later and were still all together, we almost came close to getting dusted a few times but we pulled through, we even decided to move to a different location just to be safe

Once again I had the back bedroom but I didn't paint the skull, Figured that'll give away our location, But I still had my photos

"Alright" I walked into the living room area "We need morw supplies so who's going?"

"How about we all go" Kobra looked around

"Yeah" Star sighed "It is getting a bit stuffy in here so it'll be good to get out"

"Even if it is the hot desert sun" Ghoul added

I nodded "Alright Be ready in five boys"

"Wait who made you boss?" Kobra chuckled "I say it should be Party"

I turned around and twirled my knifes in my hands "I said I was" I put my knifes in my boots "But ehh fuck it" I looked at Party who just walked in "Your Captain now"

He had a confused look "Wait what?"


We drove and drove for I don't know how long, It actually felt like we did circles but that's what happens when everything is just a big desert

Soon we found one of those huge shopping centers and we decided to stop to see what they had and if it was enough

We each walked down a diferent aisle grabbing what we could, I grabbed the food, Party grabbed water, Kobra found a vending machine and got some more amo for the guns, Ghoul and Star found medical supplies

We took everything to the car and headed off but it was already getting dark

"Just want to maybe camp out?" Star suggested

I sighed "Not really but it'll be awhile before we get home, Don't have a choice"

Party pulled to the side of the road and we set up a small fire and popped open some power pups

I cleared my throat "Alright how about we sleep in rotation" I looked at them "Two can sleep for an hour or two then we rotate out" I looked around "Just Don't feel safe out here in the open"

Party nodded "Alright" he looked at me "You need the sleep more then any of us so you sleep first"

I raised an eyebrow "What makes you think I need the sleep more?"

"Cause you've been busting your ass off trying to make sure everyone is safe, making sure they have a place, enough food and shit" Ghoul got his gun out and set it in front of him "Don't worry we got this"

I wanted to say something but I didn't want to argue so I stayed quiet and just nodded, I walked to the car and laid down in the back then Kobra came over and sat up front "Let me guess Party wanted you to get some sleep before him as well?"

He sighed and closed his eyes "Yup"

"You know it's just him and his brotherly instincts right?"

He glanced at me "Yeah I know, He's always doing this though not just to me but to everyone, He always puts people before him"

I sighed closing my eyes "It's who he is, He can't help it"

And with that darkness Soon took over


About a hour went by and me and Kobra woke up allowing others to sleep "Now there's the back seat and the two front seats there's enough for all three of you to get some rest" I looked at the car then back at them

They all nodded except for Party "I'm fine"

"Dude" Kobra sighed rubbing his temple "We'll be fine you need to sleep"

"I said I'm fine" Party got a little antsy

"Just get some sleep.. Please" I begged

He sighed and finally gave in "Fine but only for a bit" he walked over and got in the car slamming the door shut


I was sitting at the fire when I heard a noise thinking it was one of the guys, I turned around and saw a Drac, I quickly got out my gun shooting him right in the head, I quickly stood up but was soon tackled

"Ghost!" Party yelled, then Dracs stood in front of him amd they all started fighting

I froze, I couldn't do anything

"Miss me?" Korse smiled, He grabbed my knife and cut my arm making me yelp, he then took it and held it against my throat "I'm going to make your life a living hell" he cut my check before he stuck the knife in my shoulder making me scream

Just like that he was gone and the Dracs were all dead, The guys all came running over

"I got you" Party kneeled down next to me

"God damnit" I sat up and pulled the knife out like it was nothing "That fucking hurt" I went to stand up but insintly got dizzy

"I got you" Party carried me towards the car "You lost quiet a bit of blood" he got out the first aid kit and patched me up "That should hold till we get you to Pony"

I nodded "Let's just fucking go"

Life Before (Prequel to Ghost a MCR Faboulus Killjoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now