Only two more days till summer break which thank god, I hated School.. Mainly the people

"Hey" I heard behind me, I turned around and saw Ray

I closed my locker "Hey" I grabbed my bag and pulled it over my shoulders

We started to walk to meet the guys at lunch "So what are You doing this summer?" He asked

I shrugged "Not really much just mainly going to stay at home.. Probably by myself most of the time" I looked at him "What about you?"

He shrugged as well "Probably the same just stay home, We were actually all gonna stay home"

We Got to the table and got out our lunches but then Gerard put something in front of me "Uhh.."

"What?" He chuckled "Am I not allowed to order you your favorite food?"

I chuckled seeing the cheese fries sitting there "Well yes but I brought my own" I got out the sandwich and grapes

"Screw that" Gerard grabbed the sandwich and threw it across the room "The grapes you can keep but eat your damn fries"

"Sassy much" I joked

He flipped his long black hair "I'm the Sass queen bitch"

I chuckled and shook my head

I heard someone make a disgust noise and knew who it was "Fucking emo fags" Debby spoke

I stabbed my fork into the fries "Leave us alone Debby" soon enough my face was coveres in cheese, The guys all stood up getting ready to kill a bitch

She laughed "Oh little Jade has her own bodyguards" she leaned into the table slamming her hand next to me "How about you just fucking slit your wrists and Kill Yourself like every fucking bitch like you!"

"Enough!" I threw a punch at her making her fall "I'm tired of you and your shit Debby" I paused "Ever since we we're kids you've made my life a living hell and I'm done with it!" I threw another punch hearing a satisfying crack, I grabbed my bag and decided to go wash up


I sat at home in my room when there was a knock on my door "Can I talk to you?" Mom popped her head in

I sighed "let me guess its about school?"

She nodded "They said you punched a girl.. Debby Adams?"

I crossed my arms "She had it coming though"

She came in and sat down "Maybe she did" she paused "what was the reason.. If it was a good reason your not in trouble"

I looked at her knowing she wouldn't think it was a good reason "She told me to kill myself"

"That was it?" She questioned

I rolled my eyes "Shes been bullying me since third grade mom, People can only take so much"

She nodded "I see" she then stood up "I have dinner for today and tomorrow in the fridge all you have to do is heat it up"

I was confused "wait so I'm not in trouble?"

She shook her head "No, When I was your age I dealt with bullies too and they said some hurtful things to me and I belived them then like what Debby told you they told me.. And I tried..  a few times actaully"

I was surprised "Wait... You did"

"Yup" she popped the P "now that I look back I was stupid for believing them.. I'm actually glad you had the guts to do what you did" she kissed my head "Now I have to go alright, Nobody over.. Unless its the guys cause their the only ones I can trust"


I sat outside strumming my guitar when I heard something "Hey" I knew who it was

I stood up and walked over to the fence and sat down "Hey"

"You okay?" Gerard asked, it's kind of a perk having your best friend live next door to you

I sighed "Yeah"

He waited a second "You usually only do this when somethings bothering you so talk"

I sighed once more "School, Debby... Just life right now"

"It'll get better" he paused "I promise"

"But will it?"

Life Before (Prequel to Ghost a MCR Faboulus Killjoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now