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Its been a year and about seven months after the event Party and the guys finally accepted that Ghost was gone, Though Party still had hope that she was okay

"You fuck!" He pushed the Drac off of him, he looked around "You guys okay?" He called out

"Fine" he heard Ghoul

"Yeah" he heard Kobra and Star

Soon they all heard a noise behind the building, they all looked at each other and drew their guns waiting for a fight, when they went around the corner they found something they didn't expect

"P..Please don't shoot me" a little girl begged

"Dont worry" Star bent down "We're not going to hurt you" he held out his hand

The girl hesitated but soon took it

"What's your name?" Ghoul asked

The girl shook her head "I don't know.. Nobody ever told me"

They all gave each other a look "Didn't your mother or father-" Kobra started

"I don't know them" the girl looked at them "I've been on my own since... Forever"

"Alright" Party stood up "How about you come with us, We'll feed you, give you a home.. And a name" he smiled

The guys all smiled but not at the girl, at Party, they haven't seen him smile in so long they actually forgot what he looked like smiling

"Really?" The girl asked excited

"Yeah" Party kept smiling "So how about it?" He held his hand out

The girl nodded and they all headed back to the car and headed home

The young girl reminded Party of Ghost when she was young, maybe thats why he liked the kid, she made him feel happiness again


Korse walked up to Jade "Nice work, You're getting better" he put his hand on her shoulder

"Thank you sir" she simply replied "May I go take my vitamin now?"

Jade had to take one of Their midcontorlling pills every so often so she wouldn't get her memory back and had to have her treatment once a day, Korse didn't want her to remember anything he also had a chip planted in the back of her head that could be controlled with a touch of a button, something told Korse he wanted to let her go because the chip had a tracker in it, he wanted to track down the killjoys and kill every last one of them

Jade stepped into her room and memories of her past started flashing through her head, she snapped back and realized what she was doing, She set the pill bottle down

Then she remembered that day, the blood, the bodies, Ghoul, Star, Korba... Party

But they were dead, she heard the guns go off right after the shock stimulant entered her body making it seem like she was dead "Jade!" Party's voice rang through her head

"Everything alright?" Korse asked from behind

She turned around "Yes sir.. Sorry sir"

"Not to worry" he then handed her a bag "I want you to take this out and to get some fresh air, it'll do you good"

She nodded "Understood I'll get on it right away sir" calling him sir made her sick to her stoamch, she waited till Korse had left the room before searching

When she went Into the bathroom she noticed they dyed her hair her natural black and for some reason they kept her clothes and mask so she hid them in the bag she was taking out, the moment she knew she was out of everyone's sight she ran, She wanted to go home

Korse watched from above with a smile on his face "Thats right run my little rat"


"I like Missile Kid" the little girl giggled

"Then it's settled" Kobra smiled "Welcome to the Family Missile"

She giggled again, she then saw a picture of the guys with Ghost "Who's that?"

They looked at saw what she was looking at "Oh uh" Party clears cleared his throat "She was a very special friend of ours, Sadly she was ghosted"

"Oh" She put her head down "I'm sorry"

"Don't be" Ghoul grinned "You didn't know"

"We can actually tell some stories we have with her" Party added

"Please she seems awesome!" Missile threw her hands in the air

Party laughed a little, Maybe this kid will be nice to have around he thought


Jade ran and ran till she found a safe place to hideout for a bit

"Oh.... fuck" she panted trying to catch her breath, she walked around and found some food, water and a hair dye, Bright pink like before

About a hour later she was satisfied to have her hair back, she saw it was getting late amd decided to stay the night and try to get some rest, but that didn't turn out so well, she stayed up half the night crying, She wanted to see her family again, She wanted to have them wrap their arms around her and tell her it'll be okay and that she was safe

But that was all a dream now.

Hate to say it this story is almost over....

Life Before (Prequel to Ghost a MCR Faboulus Killjoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now