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I sat there for a few minutes then stood up to get some food, I grabbed a soda and a power pup then

"Hey" I heard making me jump a bit, I turned to see Party standing there "Sorry"

I shook my head "No.. It's fine" I sat down and started eating

He walked over and sat across from me in the booth "You okay?" He placed his hand on my forehead "You look like you've seen a ghost"

"Just a bad dream" I sighed

He raised a eyebrow "Of what?"

I didn't want to tell him, He'd think I was overreacting "My Parents" I lied

He looked down "I'm sorry, I knew you were close to them"

Then that got me to thinking of my past "No... No we actually weren't"

"What do you mean?" He asked

"My dad he... He abused me" my eyes widened "mom just allowed it" I paused "And mom she... She molested me" I looked at him "H...How could they do that?"

He just widened his eye's as to he was surprised as much as I was

"Oh m.. Oh my god" I stood up, My whole body shook "Everythings coming back to me" I started walking away "Why is it just now all coming back!?" I grabbed a handful of hair pulling it as flashes started pouring in

Soon there was arms wrapped around me, I just kept crying as they pet my hair "I'm so sorry Jade.." Party whispered


I've been sitting in my room quietly for the past hour, How could my own parents do the things they did.. To their own child

"Ghost" I heard a small knock "C'mon please open the door" Ghoul sighed

I just sat there, I didn't want to feel anything right now, I wanted to be alone but at the same time I didn't, I just wanted to feel happy, knew why my parents did what they did.. I wanted to feel loved

The next thing I knew I heard glass breaking, I quickly stood up grabbing my gun and mask slipping it on

I made my way down the hall but was knocked down to the ground "Ghost!" Party squirmed under a Draculoid

Not again..

I looked up to see Korse with his gun pointed at my head "Looks like we found you once again"

I rolled my eyes and kicked him off of me "But this time I'm prepared"

While the guys dealt with Dracs I dealt with Korse

Soon he had the upper hand and was on top of me throwing punches, I could feel the blood dripping down my face and I could taste the iron substance

Korse had me by the throat squeezing "pathetic" he growled, my vision started to blur, I felt a sharp object run across my exposed skin a couple times, then Korse let go and stood up hovering over me

I was too weak to do anything, I had lost to much blood, I looked to see everyone on the ground either knocked out or trying their best to get the upper hand

"Ghost!" It sounded a hundred miles away, I saw Party rushing towards me with his gun drawn

I looked at Korse who's gun was pointed at me, was this it.. Was I going to die?

Korse pulled the trigger hitting my shoulder, I screamed in pain

Korse bent down and lifted my head "No matter where you are I will find you and make your life a living hell till you draw your last breath" he whispered, Then everything went black


I woke up in my room with a cloth across my head, My shoulder was wrapped and I could still taste iron

"Oh thank God" I heard, I looked to see Party standing there, he walked over "Thought we lost you"

I looked around for a moment "How long was I out?"

"Three days" he bit his lip "You lost so much blood.. We didn't think you'd make it"

I stayed quiet for a bit "How are you and the guys?"

"Your the one who almost died and your asking how we are?" He chuckled

I shrugged

He gave a small nod "Good" he looked at me "Though Kobra needed a few stiches, Star has a bruised rib and Ghoul has a busted lip"

"What about you?" I asked

He lifted his glove to show a small bruise marks on his hand "Just this nothing major"

"Glad you guys are okay" I ran my hand through my hair

We stayed quiet for a few before he stood up "How about you get some rest"

I nodded "Ok"

He leaned down and kissed the top of my head "I'm really glad your alright"


I couldn't sleep, Things have been eating me up inside

I waited till I knew everyone was asleep, I grabbed my backpack and put my few things in there, I got out a piece of paper and wrote "I'm sorry." and set it on the table next to a picture of me and the guys, I grabbed another picture and decided to leave, I can't keep putting my family in danger possibly getting them killed

I slowly made my way down the small hallway and quietly opened the door "I love you guys" I whispered as I walked down the road

Life Before (Prequel to Ghost a MCR Faboulus Killjoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now