Valentines Day.

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Lottie's P.O.V.

I don't really know what happened in Maradova because it was all late at night and I was overtired.Jamie and Ellie said that I stood up to the king and that is slightly scary considering that I don't remember it. However I do remember that I was hugging Jamie and then he led me out of the hall. I wonder what I said. Anyway I have more pressing matters than something in the past as valentines day was coming up. The day my mother died. At least I have people to help me through it this year, or so I thought.

"Lottie get up its time for princess lessons"Ellie said pulling her out of the bed. Ten minutes later me, Ellie  and Jamie were in a room where you could see all the valentines decorations being put up. What Jamie didn't know is that I didn't want to see it.

"Lottie are you concentrating?"Jamie asked waving a hand in front of my face.

"Huh yeah course I'm concentrating. What was the question again?"

"I asked what is your favourite story from Oscar's diary and why?"

"Oh ok um the story of Sun Dao and Shau Zu."I said thoughtfully

"Really?"Jamie asked seemingly shocked

"Yes why are you so shocked?"

"It's just that that's my favourite too."I smiled when he said that as ever since the whole king incident he had closed up again,"Anyway you were saying"

"um so that story is my favourite because it shows strength in loyalty and that there's power in the duty of a Portman."

At that I heard Ellie snort from behind me and I spun around to face her.

"Why are you laughing Ellie?"

"Because you seem so sincere about the job and you're so serious about it."

"And that's a bad thing because..."I said getting upset

"It's just you're not going to end up walking over hot oil I mean..."

"How do you know? You have no idea do you about what I am doing for you, how much I am saving you from. From wearing a dress, having to find a suitor and going to royal functions."

"But you like that stuff! Don't you?"She said the last bit as a question which it should have been.

"How do you know because while I do enjoy some things like these lessons I definitely do not enjoy the fact that I now have no freedom and that eventually your dad will find me a suitor which I don't want." 

At those words Jamie looked up and looked at me waiting for what I  would say next.

"Well my family can be a bit forceful at times but..."

"At least you have a family!"I said finally letting myself cry. I ran out of the room and towards the woods. Before I knew it I was deep in the Rose Wood. I sank down against a huge oak tree and just cried. I don't know how long I sat there crying and sniffing but it felt like forever before I finally heard footsteps. It was Jamie. When he saw me he didn't say anything he just sat down next to me and put his arms around me. Comforting me. Making me feel better about this dreadful day. I let myself sink into his embrace  and feel loved. Eventually after who knows how long he spoke.

"Lottie what happened?"he asked softly beside my ear. I sniffed and moved my head and saw that I had left wet patches on his shirt from where I had been crying.

"Oh Jamie I'm so sorry I left a wet patch."

"Don't worry about it. Right now I'm more worried about you and if your ok."

"I'm not great but I'm sure it will get better over time." He smiled at me and I smiled back hoping that he would understand that it's not him I'm mad at.

"Let's hope so."

"Jamie help me I can't just go back to Ellie and act like nothing happened, it would look like I don't care at all."

"Lottie, Ellie knows that you care about her and me more than anyone so I don't think that she will be too mad at you."

"It's a good thing your here Jamie otherwise I would be completely insane by now."

We sat for a bit before anyone spoke again and when we did it was the best thing ever.

"I keep forgetting that today is valentines day as well."I said quietly not wanting to break the wonderful silence.

"Really? Can you teach me please because I just can't get it out of my mind."He said laughing.

"Not sure, I think that you need something to distract you from the pain of it."I said thinking.

After a moment of thinking Jamie said,"Ok then how's this for a distraction."When he said it he leaned in and pressed his lips against my own and kissed me. I surprised myself when I didn't immediately pull away but stayed there and kissed back. It must have only been a few seconds but for me it felt like and eternity, an eternity if bliss. When we pulled away I giggled and said,

"That was a great distraction thanks. I hope I worked for you as well."I gave him a look asking if it was fine and he replied,

"You should distract me more often Lottie because it seems to work."He said it in a joking manner but I could tell that really he was serious. At that moment I knew that everything would be fine between us and everything else. I just knew.

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