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Jamie's P.O.V.

Christmas is going to be lonely for everyone without Lottie, and I mean everyone. And while I miss her like I've never missed anyone before, I know I had to go back to normal, for Ellie.

Christmas Eve came and our group of friends were having a party. They all seemed to jolly though and it was annoying me. It was Christmas Eve and one of our best friends was missing and possibly dead. And yet we were having a party.

 I walked in and sat down next to Raphael who was eating something. 

"Hey Raphael."

"Hi Jamie, are you ok?" He asked. I hated being asked that question and he knew that but I answered all the same.

"I'm fine thank you." Raphael looked at me like he didn't believe me at all but he didn't question me further.

"Jamie!" I heard Ellie shout from the other side of the room. Slowly, I made my way over to her and Anastasia.

"Yes Ellie?" I said calmly.

"We wanted to show you something in the other room." 

"Fine" I agreed reluctantly. Ellie and Anastasia led me into a room just off the room we were using. When we entered, the room appeared empty at first glance but I knew that there must be something here.

"Why are we here if there's nothing here?" I asked.

"I didn't know I counted as nothing." I heard a voice say from the doorway. I spun round to see the face of Lottie who was supposed to be dead.

"Lottie? What, how, when?" I stuttered completely losing all my training of how to stay calm.

"I don't really think that that matters, but if you have to know. it was Ellie." She said. I turned to Ellie and stared at her

"Ellie, you shouldn't have gone out somewhere dangerous without me"

"But if you had come, it wouldn't have been a surprise." Ellie said," And anyway I got out alive didn't I?"

"I think you're missing the point but anyway..." I said. I was about to say something when Anastasia beat me to it.

"So now we've shown you, me and Ellie are going to leave you to it and go back to the party. Aren't we?" She glared at Ellie who nodded quickly and left with her leaving me and Lottie alone together.

I couldn't say anything I just stood there frozen with shock. 

"So,Jamie, do I get a hug? Ellie gave me one" I smiled slightly before walking up to her and hugging her.

"Of course, couldn't have Ellie beating me at affection now could we" I joked. Lottie smiled and then her face fell like she remembered something.

"Jamie, about my letter, um, what you have to remember is that I was a little..."

"Lottie all I want to know is if what you said is true" I said quietly.

She muttered something inaudible and I had to ask again.

"What was that?"

"Yes." I was shocked, I thought it was just because she thought she would never see me again but apparently not," Jamie please don't be angry I just... I'm sorry."

"Lottie, why would I be angry?" I asked

"Because you are a partizan and you're not allowed to have people love you" She whispered.

"Lottie, you don't know how broken I was when you were kidnapped. If you want a full recollection then just ask Ellie. The point is that I don't really care if I'm not supposed to have people who love me and I would never be angry at you."

"Really?" She asked in a soft voice.

"Really" I said in an equally soft voice. She then put her arms back around me and hugged me again.

"Lottie,"I said preparing myself for what I was about to say,"I think... I might..."

"Might what?" She said looking up at me

"Might like you." There I said it, can't take it back now, she knows. I closed my eyes trying to stop myself from running out of the room. Before I could open them again, I felt Lottie move in my arms and then felt something again my lips. Her lips.

At that point, I didn't dare open my eyes as it would ruin the moment. I kissed her back tasting the sugar on her breath. How it got there, I don't know.

Eventually, we pulled away, out of breath and smiling.

"Lottie we can't tell anyone about this, you know that don't you?"

"Yes." She whispered.

"Can we make this work? Lottie?" I said almost inaudibly. 

"You know what, I think we can."

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