Dear Jamie.

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This chapter is a letter that Lottie sent to Jamie when she was told that she could send a letter to one person that they cared the most about.Enjoy


Dear Jamie,

                        I wish that I could be in Maradova with you and Ellie but in my current predicament I am not able to reach you at that address. I know that you will probably be blaming yourself for what has happened to me but please don't. It wasn't your fault in the slightest as it was my own silly behaviour and calming tecniques  that have brought this unfavourable fate upon me.

I wish could be there to tell you that it's going to be alright and that everything will get better but I can't be. Jamie if you're reading this and laying in your bed moping around then please get up and live your life to the max. Carpe Diem. Seize the day and live it to the most it can hold. I wish I could tell you this in person but I can't so I'll tell you via letter.

Jamie Volk I love you more than you could ever imagine and I am dying inside just knowing that I will never again see your face. And although you're upset now you will eventually move on and get on with the rest of your life. Please move on, if not for anyone else do it for me. Thank you. Say goodbye to Ellie for me.

All my love,

                       The girl who loves you, Lottie Pumpkin. xx

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