♡ Another Aiden ♡

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IamsosorryTemmieTemshop1butIcan'ttakebutdrawhimlikethis. I have fallen in love with Aiden. Yikes, I am gonna die once you see this (TwT)

If you can't read what those texts say, I'm just gonna casually put them here, mmkay? Again, I am so sorry TemmieTemshop1 for what I have done to Aiden XD.

[The shouting text bubble] 》GIRLS SCREAMING (in fangirl [*Ehem, ehem* He is MAYN {I hope}])

[Aiden's chat bubble] 》 THIS IS ONE STUPID DARE!!

[Underneath the chat bubble] 》 Dared to walk on the beach shirtless but only has his cape on (I didn't add this in the text but he still got to keep his pants DUH)

[Extra text] 》 I have the most retarted 'friends' ever.

That's all and BAIII~~~

And forgive me for this sin, TemmieTemshop1. Please.

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