◇ Lady of the Woods ◇

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I am actually really proud of this one since I can barely even draw a background and here I am with a background in this drawing. I was pretty shocked that I actually did the background really good (mainly because I watched a tutorial) but I just thought I can make it a practice run but decided to put a lady in there too because I was just proud. The stones are just the triggering part though.

The Lady of the Woods is actually my new OC. Here are some of her info:

Name: Franciass La Llorona

Nickname: Lady of the Woods

Personality: Calm and smart

Occupation (?): Nun at the local church but it was burned down 5 years ago

Hobby: Taking walks around the woods at midnight and at 3 AM in the morning while listening to the devil's temptation, partaking at crucifictions of the witch hunt and watch them die

Violent level: Fair

Mentality: Unstable yet stable

Favorite color: Black (it's not a color but okay)

Favorite food: Nun (get it? None = Nun? No? Okay...)

That's all and BAIII~~~

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