◇ Katsuki and Ara, Crossdressing ◇

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HAHAHA, I was bored so there it is. I just love Kacchan there like OH MY GOD YOU IN THAT IS A PIECE OF ART, BAKAHOE. I just imagine him being in that for his hero costume for a week because of a dare. I would die to see that. Also, Ara just looks like Zen from Mystic Messenger and Levi from AOT that had a baby. Yikes.

I don't really have much to say about this since Katsuki took my breath away. He is one beautiful boi *sheds single tear*

Also, if you can't read what the texts are saying, I'll put it here:

Bakugou's text bubble 》Kirishima...

Ara's side text 》I am not amused.

They are on a dare, by the way. Ara literally looks good in almost everything so she doesn't care about Kirishima daring her to put on a guy's clothes.

That's all and BAIII~~~

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