◇ Nine the Lonely Alien ◇

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I literally just made her out of nowhere right now. First of all, I think I enjoy making Alien OCs and second, boredom made me do all that and get a thing for Alien OCs.

Bare with me if Nine's info is shit. Like I said, I basically pulled out that idea of making her out of my arse so yeah. Bare with me in shit.

Name: Nine Alyer

Nickname: None

Age: 7 years old

School: Fenrir Elementary School for the Young and Loyal Aliens (FESYL in short)

Hobbies: Sitting by herself and let that always rainy cloud pour down on her, walking towards downtown in peaceful nights

Parent/s: Seventh Alyer (Father)

Outfit: Yellow raincoat (that her dad gave her for her 5th birthday), dark gray leggings, yellow rubber boots

Likes: Her everlasting sadness and gloom (mood)

Hates: Umbrellas that she has to hold up for her own (she doesn't mind if other aliens will hold it for her though), going to sleep way too early, walking up to school (why the hell is she so relatable?)

By the way (if you have noticed), I know that these description things that I always write when I make an OC isn't always the same so sorry about that. I just feel lazy looking back and forth to the past parts of this book and actually follow the actual format I made. I should really write down my shit.

That's all and BAIII~~~

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