◇ Ruby • Kitten • Sally ◇

23 3 1

You'll probably know what made me make that. If it's not obvious enough for you, then I'm sorry. Boredom and some motivation made me do this. Wow, that's new. Motivation.

Anyway, that's another drawing for a Creepypasta OC roleplay thingy that Kittygetkitkat and I are having. It's getting pretty intense and somewhat turns into comedy. I know you seem slightly confused but you'll get it when you see our roleplay.

By the way Kittygetkitkat, the little cat next to Ruby is actually Kitten in her little cat form. I'll color it when I actually have some time tomorrow or so. Can't really do the coloring now since it's past midnight already and I'm getting a bit sleepy now and my mom is forcing me to sleep now. I also want to add EJ and all but I can't draw him for some dumbass reason but I'll try to add him before coloring it.

That's all and BAIII~~~

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