□ Filipino Music □

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Okay, I know this is the most random part of this but can just anyone that is out of my country just listen to at least one song that I'll be putting on here? Come on, our music is pretty good... Just sharing (not because I'm a Filipino) XD

Dalaga actually became an animation meme but it's mostly used in CountryHumans and they use Philippines because it pretty much made sense. Also, Dalaga is a trend here (ThE mOrE yOu KnOw).

Fucking hell, I miss Mr. Right by Kim Chiu... This song is old but gold for me.

I very much prefer this version of Nadarang than the original so I just decided to put this cover here.

Okay, that's all I got to show you guys for now. Just please listen to some and tell me what's your favorite one in this part. I will actually appreciate it, for our music and for my nationality :D (I sound so damn proud)

That's all and BAIII~~~

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