♤ The Queen of Spades ♤

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I should've written Ruby's name as the title but hey, each part that has her in it is getting dumber because of the same ass titles every time so deal with it.

Yeah, the throne sucks ass. I tried my best to come up of a design though. Ruby herself is pretty good looking at least and that thing is supposedly be in like a fancy picture frame (as in my OCs' world and is much much better than my drawing) and call it family treasure. Yeet.

By the way, Kittygetkitkat, this might be in our little roleplay (did I just really spoil a roleplay?) because, you know, Ruby haven't told much of her past and somewhat found that dress. I don't know but there is something else that will be happening soon and I'll make sure of it (I only want that 'something' because I just thought it'll be interesting).

That's all and BAIII~~~

P.S. This isn't really too important but can you guys just listen to these songs? They are just fucking wonderful.

Thank you TemmieTemshop1 for introducing Devil Town V2 to me. I actually can't stop listening to it now :D

I actually want to put more songs but I think that's enough. I have too many songs that I love so I guess I just pick the ones that I've listened to recently. But seriously now, bye.

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