◇ Creepypasta OC • Night ◇

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Okay, there's Night when he was still alive. You saw his head being hugged by Ruby in the last couple chapters so you could say he got beheaded and shit. Kittygetkitkat might want to know more about Night (you might need it because I have some plans set up lol)

Name: Philip "Night" Intimate III

Age: ???

Occupation: ???

Hobbies: Escorting Ruby Roses, dancing with her under the moonlight in their secret place in the forest

Wishes in life: Marry Ruby Roses and live fairly with her

Date of death: August 23, XXXX

And that's all I can think of for him for now. By the way, that drawing does not show Night's actual clothes.

That's all and BAIII~~~

P.S. Again, do not mind the damn wrong sided picture...

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