Do you love me?

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Simon's POV

Clary was in love with Jace. The way he looked at her. The way she looked at him. I don't know. It even turns out that they have history.  But they can't be together. Yes, go Simon. Wait, that's not what I meant. I walked into Clary's room. She was sitting on her bed, talking to Izzy. (I'm not going to tell you what they were talking about. As a summary, they were talking about Jace and Simon and her history.) "Hey, can I come in?" "Ya, sure." Izzy walks out.

"Clary, I need to ask you something?" "Ok." "Listen, I know that we were friends long before this but, I need to know. Do you still like Jace?" "No, Simon," she cupped my face into her hands, "I love you and only you." "Ok great." We smiled at each other. Then Clary and I kissed. We slowly started taking each other clothes off. While we were kissing there was only one thing going on in my mind, Clary lied to me. Straight to my face. And I didn't know whether if it was her I truly loved, or it was this feeling of jealousy that has overtaken me.


Clary and Jace walked out of their rooms at the same time. It didn't help that their rooms were across from each other. Simon was still inside taking a shower.

Jace's POV

It hasn't even been 2 hours since Clary told me about us. That we used to know each other. The one safe haven I had was with her.

Clary and I were playing in the playground. Her father hadn't come to get her yet and we were 7. "Hey, come on, let's play tag." "Sure." We were running around. Having fun. I didn't even know her name because I didn't even bother to ask. All I knew was that she was beautiful, her red-orange hair, her emerald green eyes. They were all I could think about. "CLARY ADELE MORGENSTERN!!" I turned around to see her dad screaming her name. She said, "yes daddy." Her eyes were full of fear. "Get your ass down to your room right now or you know what's going to happen." She came near him and he dragged her away. 

How could I forget her? That was the first time I ever heard her name. Or the last time I ever saw her, or that is up until now. I walked out into the hallway of the institute. I loved it here. At that right time, Clary walked out of hers. Her hair was a mess. Like she just had sex, a mess. It broke my heart a little but I needed to get over her. I avoided her and went straight to the kitchen. I grabbed some milk and I called Megan. "Hello, Hey Jace!" "Hey, Megan. Want to go on a date sometime. We can go to the Jade Wolf" "Sure, what time do you want me to be ready." "By 6. I'll come to pick you up." "Ok, bye." "Bye."

Clary's POV

He avoided me. He always did. He was happy. And I ruined it. Of course, I did. I walked out of my room with messy hair. Shit. I forgot to fix that part.  I saw walk out of his room. Still not talking to me. I mean I get that it's been 2 hours, but I never thought he wouldn't even look me in the face. We were angry at each other before but now I don't know if I can live with it.

"Hey Clary, You coming back?" I heard Simon from the bedroom."Ya, give me a minute, I am just going to go get some water." I walked in but hid when I saw Jace. He was asking Megan on a date. One tear came out of my eyes. I knew it. We can't be. 


Izzy's POV

 It's been 2 weeks since Clary told us about her past. There was one thing I had realized by now. I was pretty sure I couldn't deny it. I was in love with Simon. I knew it. I couldn't control it. But what do I do? I don't want to hurt Clary. Simon and I had a moment. An intimate moment. What do I do? Something about Simon makes me happy? "I walk down the hallway to see Clary sitting on the bench. Holding her sketchbook. She hasn't drawn in days. Meanwhile, Valentine's forces came closer. Clary has been finding a way to stop him. I walk up to her. "Hey, Clary. Are you ok?"

Clary's POV

I was in my thoughts. I heard a voice. Izzy's voice."Ya, I'm fine. I just need some time to myself. I don't know if I can live like this." Then I heard Simon's voice. "Clary, I need to talk to you." I nodded and walked in. Completely ignoring Izzy behind me.

"Simon I-" he cuts me off. "Clary, we need to break up." "What? Why?" Why would he do this to me? "Because Clary, you've been so distant and I don't know, I feel like you don't want me." "NO, Simon. That's not true at all. I love you with all my heart." "That's not true Clary. If it really was you wouldn't have kissed Jace. You wouldn't have been crying over him for the past 2 weeks and you wouldn't always draw him!" "But Simon, I do love you." "No Clary. Look me in the eye and tell me you don't have feelings for him. That you won't even look at him that way." I just stare at him. The answer not coming to my mouth. The truth was that I still loved Jace. I loved him from the moment I saw him. "That's what I thought Clary. I'm sorry but I know that you love him and I want you to be happy. I will always be there for you as a friend. But I have to do this." Simon was about to walk away but I called him back. "Simon. I need to know the real reason. Why you think that I am always in love with him." I saw tears rolling down his eyes. "Because Clary, I know that you're never going to say I love you like the way I mean it. Don't get me wrong. After all, you've been through you deserve to be happy. But it's just not going to be with me." He walks off. Leaving me on the floor and crying. The tears making me the ugliest person ever. I ruin everyone's lives. Jace's, Simon's, Alec's, Magnus's and even Izzy. I don't deserve to be in the institute. 

That's when I decided that I should just leave. I packed my bags. I wrote for everyone and left it on my desk. I went down to get some water to pack so that way I have something where ever I land. As I walk out Izzy was still there. She calls out to me. I just grab the water and go back to my room. I open a portal and walk in. I may as well go to the London Institute. I was never coming back here again. And I went through. Disappearing with a tear on my face. I was never coming back, and in the letter, everyone was going to know.

Izzy's POV

Clary completely ignored me. She walked into her room. I ran after her. She disappeared. She was gone. And on the desk, I saw the letters. I saw one with my name on it. I opened it.

Dear Izzy,

I know that by the time you read this I will be gone. I just wanted you all to know something. I'm sorry for ever ruining your life. and Jace's. Please give him his letter. Actually don't. I don't want him to know what I have to say. I don't when I will come back or ever at all. Don't look for me. I hope you get together with Simon. You two are perfect for each other. I hope Alec and Magnus are happy with each other. And Jace, make sure he finds someone special. Make he doesn't ruin his life like I did to him and everyone else. Especially you. I hope you guys have a great life.



Clary was gone. She left. She didn't want to be found. I called everyone. Even Simon and Jace. Then I just sat there. On her bed. Crying about the fact that she was gone. And never coming back.

Hey guys,

This is officially the longest chapter I have ever done. I hope you liked and I put a lot of emotion into it. Yes, I know why 9 chapters in that she is already gone. But I needed a way to introduce Sebastian and I thought this was the best way. This book is not ending anytime soon but the next chapter will literally be about Valentine and his plans to foreshadow what's going to happen in the book. They will read their letters in the next chapter, but I am not going to read out on by one. For the few people reading, I hope you liked it and don't forget to vote. 

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