Poppy cock (Part 1)

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Note: That's right, I named this fanfic fucking Poppycock u_u

{Levi's POV}

Oh crap. I was in quite a pickle. I was currently surrounded by a group of fucking bullies and 3 minutes late to class. My project partner A.K.A The hottest guy at school, Eren Yeager, is probably pissed that I'm late, but he's understanding so, Meh.

"Look at Needle Dick!" One of bullied shouted in my ear. I casual responded with "Excuse me gentlemen, I'd like to get to class." I earned a punch in my gut. Fan-Fucking-tasic.

After being beat to the brim, they bullies finally left, laughing and snickering at my injured self. Did I care that I was injured? Nah.

I rose to my feet slowly and wobbled a bit due to the soul crushing pain in my legs. Something definitely broke.

I limped into my class room, glaring at anyone who stared. "Ackermann, why are you late?" My teacher, Mr. Pixis asked with a cold glare. "I fell down the stairs." I mumbled. "Shorty fell down the stairs my left ass cheek!" My best friend, Hanji, shouted from across the class room. I felt Eren's eyes shoot lasers into the back of my head. (Wtf 😂)

I grumbled at the attention and limped to my seat, feeling Eren's eyes on me. "What really happened?" He asked with a concerned look. "Beat to the brim." I sighed and took out my notebook from my desk.

"By who?" Eren asked as i copied the notes down that flashed on the white board. I shrugged. Truth is, i really didn't. I just know them as a group of tall guys with their dicks half was up their asses who like to pick on me and other short people.

Eren stared at me for a few seconds then turned back to his paper. If I'm being honest, I'm quite glad Eren is concerned about me. I though I was just a project pet.

{Time skip brought to you by Levi's Shitty Lunch food :,3)

It was lunch time and Ugh, did I hate it. I usual spent my time with Hanji or Erwin during lunch. But oh no no no, not today.

I just had to 'Trip into one of my bullies' and get punched in the gut. "Needle dick is a clumsy bitch!" One of the guys snickered. I internally rolled my eyes at the idiot's nick names. I received another punch in the face, and then a kick in my leg, making me fall to my knees. One of them elbowed my back, causing me to get on my hands and knees. "He looks like such a slut!" The guy who kicked me snickered. "And you look like an asshole." I shot back, just to get kicked in the nose.

I really never understood why I got bullied. If it's because my height I'll wear heels for now on. I didn't bother to defend myself, it would just make me as bad as them. My mother's dying wish is that I would live a better life than she did. I promised her I would do better. I still have yet to break that promise.

My thoughts were cut off when I hand gripped my hair and painfully lifted my face up. I winced in pain as I looked into the eyes of my bully. "Your hideous." He huffed then slammed his face down on to a lunch room seat.

My eyes actually started watering in pain. Like holy ass butt it hurt like an ass on a stick. They group of males started laughing as tears fell down my face against my will. "Such a cry baby!" A guy yelled through his laughter. I was embarrassed as hell. So much for trying to be confident.

As I laid on the ground in shame, I heard a familiar voice yell "Leave him alone jerk!" "What are you gonna do about it?" My bully asked with a smirk. The familiar person punched my bully square in the nose, which made me laugh internally.

The other bullies eventually walked away in fear or boredom and left me and...Eren...alone in the lunch room. "You okay Levi?" Eren asked as he held out his hand to help me. I loved the way my name rolled of his tongue, like MMMMMMM...

"I'm fine Eren." I sighed and took his offer. We stood side by side for a moment before he patted my head. "See ya." He walked out the lunch room and gave me a smirk before leaving completely. I was left all alone in the lunch room, the silence felt like my thoughts screaming in my ears. Like HOLY POPPY COCK! EREN YEAGER DEFENDED ME FROM MY BULLIES HSKDHSOCJS.

I live a sad life, but at least I might have a chance with Eren.


Ayeee what up Fammm ;-; I warned you u_u this was gonna be shitty as hell, but fear not, I'll get better.

I'll probably upload a next part to this (obviously) but enjoy the rest of your day without my shitty Fanfic's :,3
(848 words, I need to up my game)


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