The Reality

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Note: This is the song that inspired this story. Every nice 👍

Everything went so quickly. One second I zooming through the forest with my 3DMG, killing titans with my Captain by my side, next second all of my friends are dead and Captain Levi is on the brink of death.

I landed beside his injured body, and to think I could've done more to protect him. Storm clouds began to fill the area as I ran down to the body and positioned his head on my knee.

"Captain..please don't leave me.." I cried quietly. "Eren.. I don't think I'll pull through from this." Levi gasped. Blood sputtered from his mouth. I gasped quietly at the sight and held him close. "Captain...Captain Levi." I wailed. "Quit crying." Levi said husky.

Even at dying point, he still the germaphobe I love. "Eren, I'll tell you something that I've waited to tell anyone on my death." Levi began quietly. I nodded slowly as tears streamed down my face.

"Even if I'm dying, I want you to continue living. The battle will still continue, even if I'm gone." Levi wheezed through pattering rain that began trickling down.

"No Levi, please keep fighting." I cried. "Eren i can't." Levi Said in an almost yell. "But your leaving me on this world...Alone." I protested in my tears.

"Eren, Your Never alone." Levi signed quietly. "I'll be by your side, even at death, so don't make me die in vain." The male raven's eyes flickered with death and he coughed. "I don't have much time left."

"I'm sorry Captain." I said quietly. "Don't be Eren." The rain poured down harder on the heart breaking moment in my life. Seeing all my loved ones dead and my lover dying. This is the worst.

I looked down and saw tears trickling down the Captain's eyes. "Why are you..crying?" I asked through my sobs. "Because...I'm scared. It doesn't matter how much I've prepared myself for this moment, it doesn't make it any less terrifying." Levi said, his eyes blinking rapidly to dry the tears from his eyes.

"Captain don't be scared. If there is a new life waiting for us, I'll find you." I whispered, brushing his raven hair from his eyes that slowly faded to gray. "Eren, i Love you." Levi mumbled with a weak smile. "I love you too Levi. I'll always love you." I sobbed.

Levi's weak fingers entwined with mine, like he was saying never forget him. "I'll never forget you Eren." Levi said, his breath getting lighter and lighter within the second. "Me too Levi." I muttered.

Soon, the thin fingers lost contact with mine, and Levi released his finally breath. "Please be happy." I whispered with sobs following after.

I couldn't bare to see the grayness in his eyes so I lightly shut his eyelids. "You deserve a better death." I gasped past my cries. I knew telling him sweet nothings wasn't going to bring him back.

Nothing would.

I lifted up his body bridal style and cried it deep into the forest and started having a conversation with it.

"Remember when I first confessed to you? Your reaction was priceless." I whispered, a small chuckle following after due to the memory. "Oh no, when Mikasa found out was pretty funny too." I sighed. I soon pasted by Mikasa's mangled body and shuttered.

"Or our first time...Levi you looked so beautiful.." I felt more tears bottle up in my eyes.

"You made a great leader-" I began, placing Levi's body in the center of the forest where the only light shined "-And a even better lover." I added with a sob. "I love you Levi. I'll miss you. When the time comes where I see you again, I hope you remember me, because I'll remember you not matter what." I said quietly.

I soon turned from the limp body and walked down into the forest, ignoring all the bodies that laid limp on the ground. I pasted by all my friend's bodies. Mikasa...Armin...Hanji...Jean..Sasha...Connie...This is horribly.

And all because I couldn't protect them. I couldn't protect anyone. But I'll remember Levi's words.

The battle will still continue, even if I'm gone..

I'll keep fighting and I'll protect the walls, just like these soldiers once did.

Thank you Levi. Thank you for staying with me. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your love.

Thanks for everything.

I'm sorry for the sad story .-. If you guys want, I'll continue this, but with like Levi waiting for Eren in the future (2,000 years later) and Eren dies and comes to the future and they try to find each other ;-; tell me what you think 👍

792 words 👍

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