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The song above is what I was listening to while writing this .-. Great song u_u


Levi's POV:

I stood quietly behind the register, talking orders with the other two workers, Hanji and Petra.

"Welcome to McDonald's, How can I help you?" I asked in a blunt voice. I hate my job.

"I was a double cheese burger with the side of Yaoi fries." Said a (Girl/Boy) with a name tag that says (Y/N) (You Welcome Readers uWu)

"We Don't sell Yaoi Fries." I scoffed, furrowing my eyebrows. (Y/N) did an loud gasp, loud enough to shake the damn store, and back flipped away from the register.

Yeah, I really hate my job. "Don't be so rude to the customers!" Hanji whined. I rolled my eyes with a tongue click and folded my arms over my chest.

A male with Cocoa brown hair, a tall, fit build, Sun kissed skin, and Caribbean blue and green eyes that shifted around the store. He was HAWT. H.A.W.T I felt my face heat up at the sight.

Unfortunately, he had a side chick with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a short build. She looked like that hoe at my school..what's her name...Ah yes, Histora.

"Good Afternoon" The male paused and looked at my name tag. "Levi." I wanted to reply, but no words came from my mouth. That's how hot this guy was.

"Don't make small talk Eren." Histora scoffed. The male, Eren supposedly, rolled his eyes and ordered his meal which consisted of Two cheese burgers and two soft drinks with a side of fries.

When Histora turned around, I shot daggers into her head. No male deserved to be treated like that. Plus, there's this girl that looked like a guy that likes her. The girl's name is Ymir.

"Girls these days." Eren muttered.

"Trust me, i can relate." I sighed and gestured over to Petra, who was also a hoe who was low keyed obsessed with me.

Eren chuckled and asked when I get off work. "I get off in 15 minutes." I replied.

"How about me and you go somewhere after this, like a bar." Eren suggested with a small smirk. I blushed at his words but agreed hesitantly.

"EREN! GET OVER HERE!" Histora yelled from across the store.

Eren sighed and said "I got to go, I'll get you in 14 minutes." Then the brunette walked off towards the blonde bitch in the distance.


Time flew by for the most part. My shift was over in 6 minutes. I saw Eren get up from his seat and head to the bathroom. He looked over at me as he passed, a smile on his face.

I sighed and looked forward. I noticed a horse faced male walk towards Histora and kiss her lips. What. The. Fuck.

"Wasn't she just with that Eren guy?" Hanji asked, making me jump from the sudden question. I turned around to see their face, which held a grin.

"Yeah Shitty glasses, she's cheating on Eren with a horse." I said. Well at least my chances were higher.

Eren walked out of the bathroom with a smirk. "So she did cheat on me." Eren said smugly.

"Yep." I said, popping the 'p' at the end. Hanji giggled evilly in the distance, slowly walking away. They are such a weirdo.

"Well, my shift ends right about now." I said with a small smile. Eren looked at me and nodded.

After he ditched Histora, I took of my employee hat and name tag and followed Eren out the doors.

"Your gonna like my ride." Eren smirked and held my hand, making my face go red.

"W-What do you mean?" I asked nervously. Was this guy about to fucking kill me.

Eren's smirk grew, if possible, and he lead me to a motorcycle. "Behold!" He said.

I gulped under my breath. I've never been on a motorcycle before. I was probably going to die.

"Don't get nervous babe." Eren cooed. I was taken back by the 'babe' nickname. Eren chuckled at my reaction and leaned down to kiss my cheek.

"We're no going to a bar" Eren said and sat down on his motorcycle. "We're going to my house to have some...Fun." Eren motioned for me to sit down, so I did.

Eren handed me a helmet to put on and we were off into the road.


We we reached Eren's house, he locked the door and attacked my lips. I hesitated before kissing back. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I granted him with.

His tongue slipped into my mouth, swirling around mine. I didn't bother to battle for dominance, I liked to me the Uke. As his tongue flicked around in my mouth, I released moans into the kiss.

Eren licked my teeth before he pulled away, leaving me panting heavily. "I can't wait to hear your moans in the bedroom." He purred.

I blushed at his words, which lead him attack my neck with kisses, licks, and sucks. I moaned at the contact, reaching up to run my fingers through Eren's hair.

"E-Eren.." I mewled. Eren smirked against my neck before pulling away. I was picked up bridal style and carried up a stair case.

I was thrown on to a bed and admittedly the brunette crawled on top of me, attacking my lips once again. I kissed back into Eren's kiss.

I soon found out clothing decorating the floor. Eren ran his fingers up to my chest and started playing with mg nipples. I moaned at his touch and squirmed.

Eren smirked and kissed my neck till he found my sweet spot. I moaned loudly, making Eren twist and pull my nips.

"E-Eren please F-fuck me." I practically begged.

"With pleasure baby." Eren purred and started pumping my cock. I moaned loudly when two of Eren's fingers made their way into my hole.

He thrusts his fingers in and out while pumping my member. The pleasure was unbearable and I came with a long moan. (I put barbecue on my tits after that)

"Ready for the real fun?" Eren asked in a purr. I smirked.

Ahem, sorry for the shit sorry. I wrote this after eating McDonald's French fries. They were delightful.

Rrrreeeeeeeeeeeee I still have to make meh some black tea *^*

Oh, btw if you want to see any of my personal life crap, you can follow me on Snapchat.

My Snapchat: galaxycrippled

1085 words

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