Chapter 1

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"Stiles what do matrices have to do with math right now?" asks Malia nearly yelling the question at Stiles,

After all the business with the Nogitsune and Oni, Malia was getting back on track with her life. She was a senior along with the rest of the pack but she needed a lot of catching up to do just to pass her classes. Stiles has been tutoring her and their little one night stand at Eichen House grew into the relationship they have now.

"Can't you just take my math test for me?" she asks,

"Well you'd have to let Coach supervise you and you'd have to take it alone. I can talk Coach into giving me a copy of your test and if you wear a Bluetooth I could give you the answers. Your hair should conceal it in case someone walks in to check on you." answers Stiles,

"Then its settled." says Malia with a big grin,

"Yea, no, come on Malia you can do this. It's just math, it's not that hard."

"Well maybe not for someone who's studied it for the last eight years, like you." she whines,

"The sooner we finish this the better it'll be for both of us."

Malia leans closer to him and grabs the book from his hands. She tosses it behind her and it makes a loud thumping noise.

"I'd rather do something else." she whispers and leans closer to press her lips to his,

At first Stiles freezes then returns the kiss. They break apart when they both need air. Stiles gets off the bed and grabs the book off the floor. When he turns back around Malia is siting legs crossed with her notebook and a pencil. She starts writing and talks out loud,

"Subject S: Is still surprised when kissed by a girl even though said girl is officially his girlfriend. This reaction has been giving the research inconclusive results. Results end up inconclusive because sometimes Subject S makes the first move on said girl. What does it all mean..."

Before Malia could continue Stiles grabbed the notebook and placed the math book in her lap. He looked over the notebook,

"Subject S?" he asks,

"Yea I can't put Stiles that would break the patient confidentiality agreement."

"Last time I checked you're not a doctor."

"A girl can dream can't she?"

Malia shrugs and opens up the math book. Stiles sits next to her and rips out the page of her notebook. With a new blank sheet he hands it over.

"You need to do problems 4-30, odds only." he says,

Malia sighs in frustration but begins to write down the problems. A minute later John comes in the room to see Malia on the bed writing and Stiles on his laptop typing.

"How's the study session?" he asks,

"Great I'm doing math he's working on an English paper due next week." says Malia quickly looking up at John and smiling,

"You guys need anything?"

"No were good Dad, thanks." says Stiles when he turned around to face his dad,

John nodded and then left them alone again. Stiles closed the door and then Malia closed the book really fast making a loud noise.

"Now what?" she asks,

"You keep studying every other school subject."

Stiles gets off his chair and sits next to Malia again. She rests her head on his shoulder and sighs. Stiles brushes her hair over her ear,

"It's gonna be okay Malia. You'll pass all your class and graduate even if it means I have to cheat for you."

Malia laughs a bit then looks up at Stiles,

"You'd really do that for me?"

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