Chapter 12

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Over the next few days Stiles and Malia were taught how to control their anger. For Malia the training was different since she had to be able to control her shifting beside her other abilities. Stiles though was like them in a way except without the changing or at least that's what they all thought. He had worked on controlling his strength and other heightened sense like hearing or smelling. Gosh everything he could smell was awful and hearing well at least now he can ease drop on anyone. Maybe all this stuff wasn't half as bad. Just as Stiles was gonna fix up the pipe Malia bent he felt a quick sharp pain in his head. His body was through forward by the pain and he fell on his knees. He cried out a bit and soon Malia and the others were by his side.

"Are you okay?" asks Malia helping him up,

"Yea I'm fine just a cramp or something."

That seemed like a convincingly lie since everyone bought it. Stiles didn't know why he didn't just come out and tell them the truth but even he doesn't know what that was about. He stared across the room at Isaac who was hitting punching bag. Then he turned and looked at Scott and Derek, something was forming in his mind, he could feel it but he didn't know what it was...yet.

A/N - Writers block sorry for a short chapter

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