Chapter 29

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"Stiles." she says in a questioning voice,

Her wounds had healed and her leg was covered in dried. He had obviously taken her pain but now she started to feel a bit numb.

"Stiles." she shouted,

He opened his eyes and quickly let go of her hand. She watched as he scurried away from her and looked scared.

"Are...are you okay." he shyly asks,

"I'm fine thanks to you...thanks."

Malia lightly rubs at her leg were the wounds had just healed.

"Stiles did you just..." she was saying,

"Yes and I'm never doing that again."

" did it feel?" she asks,

She carefully moves closer to him. He seemed to be in some sort of shock and she wouldn't blame him. Obviously he didn't want to talk about it but Malia wasn't one to give up easily.

"Stiles how did you feel."

"Great, it was a great feeling. I loved it but I can't do that again." he says the guilt clear in his voice,

"And why not, Stiles what if this is something you need to do. Feed off pain every now and then like how vampires feed on blood."

"They need blood to survive Malia."

"Some eat normal food for the hell of it and drink blood." she counters,

"What are you try to say exactly? That I need to feed off pain now."

"Maybe you need both to survive. You're a tail, the nogitsune fed off pain and maybe you need to as well."

"No I can't do that. Next thing you know all be causing pain just because I'm hungry."

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