Chapter 23

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"hmmphhh." I rolled over in bed. The sun was shining in through a gap in the curtains; it shone into a corner of the room where my hoody was dumped. But this wasn't my room. I sat up in bed, where was I? Then I remembered everything, Tyler, Zoe, Zayn? I crashed back down onto the bed, my head hitting the pillow hard, causing the whole bed to creak.

I was awoken again by the smell of burning. Shit, was the house on fire? I jumped out of bed and pulled my hoody back over my head; I ran down the stairs and stopped when I heard screaming from the kitchen.

"Niall! YOU'VE FUCKING BURN MY TOAST! HOW THE HELL HAVE YOU BURNT MY TOAST! ALL I SAID WAS PUT IT IN THE TOASTER!" Bianca screamed. I slowly walked towards the door, the cold floor sending shivers up my spine. There was more screaming and the crash of a place on the floor. I carefully opened the door. As if in slow motion, everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to face me. Bianca smiled weakly and Zayn put his arm around me, I shook it off. I slammed the door as I walked outside. Sliding my feet into the pool, I remembered all the times me and Tyler had spent together. How could he do this to me? He lied…twice. And now, he's gone. The boy I had loved for years had gone, this time for good.

My phone rang next to me. "STOP CALLING!" I screamed, throwing it at the water. For the first time in my life, I aimed properly, and it landed in the pool with a splash. Great. Now I don't have a phone. I stood up and walked back inside. Zayn was sat on the edge of the sofa looking worried. Louis was attempting to make something in the kitchen, with help from Liam, I had no idea what it was, but I was defiantly not eating it. And Bianca and Niall were curled up on the sofa. I couldn't keep quiet anymore. I did not want Bianca to end up feeling how I felt right now. The sooner she was told, the easier it would be to get over Niall. But not right now. I still haven't spoken to Zayn.

"Zayn? Can I speak to you?" I asked, my voice sounded weak and just at that moment I realised how cold I was. "Yeah, sure." He said, standing up. I watched as he nervously messed with the sleeve of his Jumper, before taking it off and slowly stretching out his arm to give it to me. "no, you're alright Zayn. It's fine." I mumbled. "No, take it, please." I took the Jumper out of his hand and pulled it over my head, it smelt familiar, of Zayn. "Thanks." "Shall we go outside?" He asked. "yeah."

"Look Zayn, Remember in the park? A while ago, when Tyler first came back. You tried to-" "kiss you." He said, cutting me off. "yeah." "Julia, I don't know what came over me. You were just sat there; I thought you must have felt the same way after I told you all the things I loved about you. If I'm honest, I'm crazy about you, I always have been. I can't believe that I actually thought you felt the same way. But then you just turned up at the house with your 'boyfriend.' It felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. He looked like he was fresh off the cover of a magazine. In the couple of months he was here, he was already friends with harry, Niall followed him around like a little puppy, Liam finally had someone to talk about serious things with and he laughed at all of Louis Jokes, I felt like an outsider. Like he was replacing me. I couldn't even look at yo-" I pressed my lips up against his. It felt right, like it was meant to be this way. I pulled away and looked at Zayn, he looked stunned. Well, there was no other way to shut him up. "I…I…" he began, "shhh. I think you've said enough for one day, don't you?" I laughed.

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