Chapter 5

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Santana p.o.v:

I'm known around for being a bitch and stuff but the only reason I'm a bitch it's cause I was raised in Lima Heights Adjacent so if you live around there you need to act like a bitch to get respect that's what my abuela always taught me. I'm Co Captain of the Cheerios I would of been Head Cheerios but Quinn Fabray took that spot from me that bitch. Me and Brittany we do everything together she's my best friend and she's always on the Cheerios. Britts the only one that knows me so well she doesn't see me as a bitch she always tells me to stop being mean to people but I can't help it that's who I am.

One day me and Brittany were at my house doing homework until she asked me something.

"Hey Santana we should join glee club?" Brittany asked

"Are you serious Britts no way" I said

"Come on let's join I heard it's pretty fun and I know how much you like to sing and dance" Brittany says all happy

"Brittany we're Cheerios we dance there and yeah I like sing but I don't know" I said a little confused

"Come on it'll be fun please we can sing and stuff" Brittany said with a little kids voice

"Okay fine we'll join we need to tell Mr.Shue tomorrow then" I said all happy

"Don't worry I already talked to him today he said we can go tomorrow apparently there's other people joining also so yeah" Brittany said while going back to her homework

"Since when did you come up with these smart plans" I said to her jokingly

Next day...

As we walked to class I went to my locker to get something and I saw Finn and Quinn talking they didn't see me though. Finn was my best friend more like a brother we known each other since we were little my mom and his mom were so close and my dad consider him as a son since Finn didn't have a dad he looked up to mine but ever since he started dating Quinn we stopped talking when we see each other it's a simple hi or how are you stuff like.


I walked up to Finn at his locker to ask him something.

"Hey Finn" I said all happy

"Hey Santana" as he hugged me

"So my mom was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner later she's been saying how she doesn't see you anymore and my dad been saying how's he's quarterback" I said jokingly

"Umm I can't today sorry but thanks for asking" he said nervously

"Why not Hudson?" I said confused

"I have plans today" he said looking down

"Okay what kind of plans" I said curiously

"I have date today okay" he was starting to blush

"Aww how cute Hudson has a date who's the lucky girl?" I said jokingly

"Quinn Fabray" he said quietly

"WHAT QUINN FREAKING FABRAY, really Finn out of all the girls why her she's a totally bitch" I said furious

"Santana don't talk about her like that she's not a bitch she's like nice" he said defending her

"Really Finn she's a bitch she makes poor Britts and I life a living hell and don't get me started how she acts during Cheerios practice" I said still pissed

"See this is why I didn't wanna tell you maybe Quinn was right I shouldn't have told you" he said mad

"Oh now your listening to her really Hudson wow okay fine go ahead but do me one favor just be careful with her I have a bad feeling about her" I said as I walked away with tears

End of flashback.

Since that day we haven't spoken or nothing. I tried talking to him after that day but he's always with her she doesn't leave him at all or when he's not with her I would go up to him but he would just walk away. My parents always ask for him I just say he's busy with football and Our moms still talk they work together so it's hard when my mom brings up Finn. Last year his mom got married I didn't go to the wedding cause I knew Quinn was going to be there so I didn't want drama so I went to cheer camp that weekend instead. Britts been my rock ever since that day she would sleepover cause I wouldn't stop crying at the fact I lost my best friend.

Quinn was more to a bitch to us after I stop talking to Finn what more damaged can she do.


During Cheerios practice me and Brittany were warming up as always then Quinn comes up to us.

"Santana Finn just told me that he told you the news already" she said with the smirk

"What do you want Fabray I'm busy here" I said with an attitude

"Simple stop talking to him" she said

"You can't tell me who I can't talk to Fabray he's my best friend" we were face to face now

"You see that's the thing he WAS your friend now he's not" she said with the smirk

"What the hell are you talking about?" I said confused

"See he told me everything that you guys talked about how was a bitch and stuff. So I got really sad and he asked me what would it take for me to stop being sad and I simple said to stop talking to you and he said okay if that's what it takes to make me happy" she said with an evil smile

"Okay listen up Fabray ima tell you this once you may have Finn and ruined our friendship but that doesn't mean I don't care about him still if you do anything to hurt and I mean anything I will go all Lima Heights on you" I said and pushed her out of my way

"Come on Santana she's not worth it" Brittany said as she walked me to the lockers

End of Flashback.

I got my things out of my locker and walked to class I didn't bother walking pass them so I went the other way. The day went by really fast it was after school already so me and Britts walked our way to glee club to be honest I was kinda of nervous cause nobody has ever heard me sing other then Brittany and Finn.

"Please give a big welcome to Santana Lopez and Brittany Pierce" Mr.Shue said

As we walked in the first person I saw was Finn I can't believe he's in glee club and without Fabray I'm surprised he smiled at me and I smiled back hopefully this gives us a chance to be friends again I do miss talking to him. As Mr.Shue told us to take a seat I notice something Finn was staring at the girl in front of him he couldn't smiling I think he likes her and she is pretty and looks like the type of girls that would treat a guy right. The girl in front of him asked Mr.Shue something.

"Mr. Shue I'm confused why are the popular kids all of sudden interested in joining glee club?"she asked a little confused

"The reason why me and Britts joined is cause we like to sing and dance" I said with a little attitude

She nodded her head I think I'm going to like this chick.

"Okay guys tomorrow come with a song we'll be introducing ourself tomorrow with a song you guys can go home" Mr.Shue said as he dismissed us.

I was about to walk out when I saw Finn get up and try to talk to the girl but he was stopped by Sam well I've never seen this side of him as we left I was looking for the girl she probably left so I'll just see her tomorrow.

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