Chapter 43

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Rachel's p.o.v:

The next day we got up and started to get ready for school I was happy Santana was back I missed her so much even though she was gone for two days but still. Finn was in the shower while I got dressed I throw on a pair of light blue jeans with a tight black laced shirt with my jacket and my brown ankle boots I let my hair be wavy again and did my makeup simple as usually. I was ready so I went downstairs and Santana looked a little bit out of it.

"Good morning San" I said worried

"Oh hey good morning rach" she said nervously

"What's wrong you seem out of it?" I asked her with concern

"Umm it's nothing don't worry" she said

"Whatever it is I promise I won't tell anyone you know that" I told her worried

"Yeah I know but I'll tell you when I know for sure" she said looking down

"San please tell me your not pregnant?" I told her freaking out a little

"Noo I'm not pregnant don't worry" she said with a smile

"Then what is it please tell me I'm worried now" I told her

"Okay fine but I'll tell you later when Frankenteen isn't here" she said and after she said that Finn walked in

"Hey guys ready to go?" he asked with a smile . Finn looked so cute he always does but still he wore dark jeans with a white T-shirt and a red hoodie

We took my car today since we can't fit in his truck actually we could but Santana didn't wanna go in that car so we took mine instead. we pulled up the parking lot and headed inside the school.

When we walked in I saw Quinn crying so we went up to her Finn didn't wanna see her so he went to his locker so it was just Santana and I.

"Quinn are you okay?" I asked her

"Let's go to the choir room" Santana said and we walked in there and took a sit

"Quinn what's wrong?" I asked her

"I told my parents last night" she said as she wiped her tears away

"And what happened?" Santana asked curiously

"I couldn't tell them so I pulled out the picture you should've seen the looks on their faces they looked at me with disappoint and shamed. After I showed them the picture we went to the couch and my dad went on about taking me to my first baseball game but Puck told them it was his fault and my dad kicked him out but I told him no and they kicked me out" she said crying again

"What did you mom do?" I asked her

"Nothing she didn't say anything she just stared at me and walked away" she said controlling her tears

"I'm so sorry Quinn where are you staying right now?" I asked her

"With Puck my dad only gave me 30 mins to pack up my things so all my stuff is at his house" she said with guilt

"It'll be okay Quinn" as I rubbed her back

"Are you keeping the baby?" Santana asked

"I don't know Puck wants too but we're still young" she said shyly

"You need to talk to Puckerman about this Quinn" Santana said and I agreed with her.

The bell rang so we went to class I felt bad for Quinn the fact that her parents kicked her out was sad these are the times she needs them the most especially her mom how could she just stand there without saying anything so I decided after glee club I was going to talk to her parents. The day went by slow then usually probably because I was thinking in what to say to Quinn's parents.

It was after school so I went to my locker and I saw Santana and Finn standing there waiting for me.

"Hey guys" I said as I walked up to them

"Hey Rach" Finn kissed me softly on the lips

"Hey Berry" Santana said with a smile

"So what are we doing after glee club?" Finn asked as I put my stuff away

"Umm I was thinking a girls day with Santana since she was gone and stuff" I said I didn't wanna tell Finn cause he'll try stopping to go

"Yeah that sounds fine with me I'll just ride with you so I could pick up my things from your house" Finn said with a smile

"Okay sounds good to let's go to glee club" as I closed my locker

We got to glee club Finn went to sit with Sam, Mike, and Puck but he sat next to Sam he was still not talking to Puck I'm going to talk to him about that later. I sat next to Santana and Brittany.

"Okay everybody let's welcome back Santana and Brittany and congratulating them on the win" Mr.Shue said as he walked into the choir room

"Thanks guys we got one win down we need one more to go" Santana said with a smile

"Okay everybody so song selections for sectionals" as he continued with the lesson

"Mr. Shue I think I have one for the group number" I said

"Okay Rachel let's hear what you got?" he asked curiously

"How about we do "You can't always get what you want" or "somebody to love" I said nervously

"Rachel those are good songs. okay everybody what do you think" He asked the class

Everybody looked at each other to see who would speak up maybe those songs were a bad idea.

"Why don't we practice both songs to see which one we like better?" Tina asked

"That's a good idea Tina" Mr. Shue said excitedly

"But can't we practice those songs after the diva off ?" Mercedes asked

"Sounds perfect okay guys now since Santana is back let's have our four divas come up" Mr.Shue said as he pulled out the hat and piece of papers

"Mr. Shue what are we going to do?" I asked curiously

"You guys will write down the song you would like to perform for the diva off and whatever song you guys pull out would be the song you sing now Monday will be Kurt vs Mercedes and Tuesday Rachel vs Santana and Friday is boys vs girl" he said excitedly

"What about the last two divas when will they compete against each other?" Kurt asked

"Ahh that would be Friday after boys vs girls" he said as he handed out the papers and pen to us

So we wrote down our songs I choose " don't rain on my parade" I was curious what Santana wrote down for her song after we were done we put our songs in the hat.

"Okay Mercedes and Kurt you go up first" Mr.Shue said

Kurt let Mercedes pick the song out of the hat .

"Beautiful" Mercedes said with a smile

"Okay Rachel and Santana you guys are next" he said

I let Santana choose the song cause i knew if I put my hand in there it would never come out until I knew it was mine.

"Nut bush city limits" she said with a smile

"Okay we got our songs" Mr.Shue said excitedly

We went back to our sits and Mr.Shue went on what he wants to see on Friday for the mash ups.

"Okay guys you could go home be ready tomorrow for your duets" he said as he dismissed

We went back to my locker and drove home.

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