Chapter 17

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Finn's p.o.v:

When Rachel walked in to the room she looked so hot just like Santana said I couldn't help but stare at her she smiled at me so I smiled back at her. She got up from her sit and told is she had to tell us something I wonder what it was. She looked kinda of nervous I guess Santana saw how nervous she was so she helped her out.

"We're having a party at Rachel's house tomorrow just us glee kids though so we could all get to know each other" Santana said

I already knew about the party cause she told me yesterday but she said to act like I didn't know so I just stayed quiet. Puck said he was going so Santana asked him to bring booze but then she whispered something to Rachel I guess a Puck heard.

"Look I could break in your dad's liquor cabinet and have everything replaced before they even comeback" he said

I saw Rachel was debating or not but she said it was fine as long as he replaced it by Monday he said he could after glee club and she hugged him for some reason I got little jealous when she hugged him I wish she hugged him but I haven't even talk to her once. Then she said she'll give us her address and that we could spend the night there I'm totally spending the night at her house just then Mr.Shue walked in he told us we're going to be paired up to sing a duet. Glee club ended early Mr.Shue had to go plan for his wedding with Ms.Pillsbury.

After glee club ended I saw Rachel walk to her locker this was my chance to go talk to her just then Kurt and Santana popped.

"Go talk to her Finn" Kurt said with a smile

"What are you waiting for Hudson go this is your chance" Santana said as she pushed me

I started walking and there she was by herself at her locker I notice she drop something so I go and pick it up for her we both pick it up at the same time when our hands touched I could have sworn I saw fireworks just by a touch. We were looking into each other eyes she has beautiful brown eyes I let go of her hand cause she probably felt weird.

"Hi I'm Finn" I said as I took out my hand

"I know who you are but hi I'm Rachel" she said as she giggled and shook my hand there it was again those fireworks .

"Thank you for helping me pick up my key" she said she was starting to blush

"Yeah no problem anytime" I said

"So are you going to my party tomorrow?" she asked as she closed her locker

"Yeah I am going I think I might sleep there too" I said I can't believe I said that

"Hahaha okay bring a toothbrush" she said with a smile her smile is just perfect

"Umm I know it sounds weird and all can I have your number?" I said nervous

"Yeah sure I'll text you my address and what time it'll start" she said as she gave me her phone and I gave her mine

She put her number it was cute it said: Rachel 🌟🙈 and I put my number and it said: Finn🏈😜 she laughed when she saw it.

"Okay I'll text you later Finn and I'll see you tomorrow" she smiled and walked away

I can't believe I talked to her and got her number best day ever I can't wait for tomorrow.

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