Chapter 40

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Rachel's p.o.v:

It was after school already and I was happy to go back to glee club. I went to my locker to put my books and bag away Finn was there waiting for me so we could walk to the choir together. As we walked to the choir room he was telling me about football practice how the coach is actually interested in making the team better Coach Beiste was new but she was the best and all she wants is to make our team look good and our school too.

We walked into the choir room and said hi to everybody. Quinn joined glee club the day I went to the hospital I'm glad she did she's going to need us through these tough times. Finn still wasn't talking her or Puck I'm guessing he was still hurt but he'll get past this I hope so .

"Okay hi everybody a few announcements today but first let's welcome back Rachel" Mr. Shue said as he walked towards the piano.

"Thanks guys" I said and smiled at them

"Okay first announcement is drum roll please" Mr. Shue said and pointed to the drums "We have sectionals in less than a month" he said excitedly everybody was happy

"Mr. Shue who are we competing against?" I asked curiously

"We are competing against Jane Addams Academy and Aural Intensity" He said with a serious face

"Jane Addams Academy is for girls that been in jail or something we go this" Mercedes said proudly

"No we don't they are really good . We need to work hard to beat these teams so that's why next week we're going to do guys vs girls you guys need to come up with a mashup and dance moves that go with your song" he said with a serious face

"Are we still doing our duets?" Tina asked

"Yes we are but whoever does really good in their duets will sing for sectionals" Mr.Shue said

"What about a ballad ?" I asked

"Ah good point Rachel how about this we do a group number and ballad for sectionals and for regionals we do a duet and a group number how does that sound?" he asked with excitement

"Yeah that sounds perfect" Kurt said

"But who's getting the solo?" I asked

"After last weeks performance it's down to Mercedes, Rachel, Kurt, and Santana" Mr.Shue said

"What does that mean Mr.Shue?" Mercedes asked confused

"It means you four are going to have a diva off it'll be Kurt vs Mercedes and Rachel vs Santana the last two will compete for the solo" he said serious

I was shocked I can't believe ima face off my best friend for a solo but I'll do what it takes to get the spot. If she gets it I'll be happy for her I can't wait to tell her

"What about song selections for the diva off?" Kurt asked

"Each of you will write down a song you would like to sing we'll put those songs inside a hat and whatever you get you'll be singing . Now since Santana won't be back tomorrow I will make the diva off until Monday since Fridays we have duets" he said

"Deal" we all said

"Okay now let's start thinking about song selections" as he wrote Sectionals on the board

The whole time we were thinking of what songs to sing it was really hard nobody didn't agree on a song they would suggest I could tell Mr. Shue was getting irritated so he dismissed us and we would continue tomorrow.

As I was walking to my locker with Finn I couldn't stop thinking about my diva off with Santana.

"Hey you'll do fine" Finn said I guess he could tell I was thinking about it

"Yeah I know but she's really good too I know she's my best friend but I want that solo but if she wins I'll be happy cause I did my best" I said as I opened my locker

"You'll do great Rach I believe in you" he said as he pulled me closer to him

"You do I'm just so nervous that's all" as I put my head in his chest

"I know but just give it all you got okay" he cupped my face and gave me a kiss

"Thanks Finn you know how to cheer me up" as I pulled away to close my locker

"You're welcome come on it's getting late now we'll order pizza and watch a movie" he said as we walked out of school

"That sounds nice" as I hugged him

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