Chapter 56

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Rachel's p.o.v:

After the whole Karofsky thing I was still scared I didn't let Finn hug me but then I realized that I shouldn't let that come between Finn and I so I hugged him I feel safe in his arms.

We were walking to the choir room cause it was time for the diva off between Kurt and Mercedes I was so excited I love them both but it's going to be hard to chose who would win.

We took our sit Finn went to go sit next to Puck and Sam. Quinn told me the whole day Puck been trying to talk to her but she doesn't want to talk to him she's not ready I saw in the front with Quinn, Santana, Brittany and Artie.

"Okay guy who's ready for the diva off?" Mr.Shue asked excitedly

I looked over and I see Kurt getting nervous and then I saw Mercedes she was trying to kept it calm

"Okay Kurt and Mercedes come on up. we're going to flip a coin so chose what side you" Mr.Shue told them

"Heads" Kurt said nervously

Mr.Shue flipped the coin" Okay it's tails Mercedes you go first"

Kurt went to sit on the side of the piano and Mercedes stood in front of everyone

The music starting playing.


Uuuuuuh yeaaaaah

Uuhh yeah yeaah

Everyday is so wonderful, then

Suddenly it's hard to breathe

Now and then I get insecure

From all the pain

I'm so ashamed

I am beautiful no matter what they say

Words can't bring me down

I am beautiful in every single way

Yes words can't bring me down

Oh nooo

So don't you bring me down today

No no no no hmmmm


To all your friends you're friends delirious

So consumed in all your doom

Tryin' hard to fill that emptiness

The pieces gone, left the puzzle undone

Ain't that the way it is?

You are beautiful no matter what they say

Words can't bring you down

Oh noo no no

You are beautiful in every single way

Yes words can't bring you down oh noo

So don't you bring me down today

Both( but still by themselves)

No matter what we do

(No matter what we do)

No matter what we say

(No matter what we say)

We're the song inside the tune

(Yeah yeah oh yeaah)

Full of beautiful mistakes

And everywhere we go
(And everywhere we go)

The sun will always shine
(The sun will always always shine)

And tomorrow we might awake on the other side

Cause we are beautiful no matter what they say

Yes words won't bring us down
(oh no)

We are beautiful in every single way

Yes words can't bring us down

So don't you bring me down today

Ohh yeaaah oooh

Don't you bring me down today

Heaaaaay yeaaaaah oooh

Don't you bring me down today

We all stood quiet I had couple of tears rolling down and I see the rest of the girls also tearing up

"Wow that was amazing you too" Mr.Shue said

"Thank you Mr.Shue" they both said

"Okay time to vote who ever has the most votes will go on to the final round" Mr.Shue said as he handed us papers

It was hard to vote I love them both but I think Kurt did an amazing on it I'm proud of him and how he hit those high notes.

Mr. Shue collected everybody papers and started counting who got the most vote I had a feeling Mercedes was going to win this round and if she did I'm proud of Kurt for trying his very best.

"Okay guys and the winner is....KURT" Mr.Shue said excitedly

I looked over and I saw Kurt was surprises that he had won Mercedes gave him a hug but I know she'll get a solo soon. Everybody clapped for Kurt and told him congrats I hugged him and told him I was proud.

"Okay everybody I have a announcement to make after Friday I chose two captains for this team and it is Finn and Rachel" Mr. Shue said with a smile

Everybody clapped I was scared they would get mad at us or say something to go against it.

"Okay everybody you guys can go home now get ready for Round 2 tomorrow's diva off with Rachel and Santana" he said excitedly

As we walked I told Quinn and Santana to wait for me by the car so I could tell Finn about tonight's dinner with my dads.

"Are you nervous to meet my dads?" I asked jokingly

"Yes what if they don't like" he said scared

"They will trust me and I have something to tell you" I said nervously

"Is it bad?" he said worried

"No silly okay so my dads asked me if I had a boyfriend and told them no but hear me out I told them I was talking to a boy and that I really liked him they asked what was his name and I said Finn Hudson the reason I told them no was because I want them to think we're taking things slow and getting to know one another and also see that your not rushing into anything do you get me I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings" I told him feeling bad

"Rach don't be sorry it's okay at least you told them we're talking and that you like me I want them to like me but if they ask me if I see you more then friends I will say yes just know that" he said with a smile

"I know you will" I told him and I kissed me

"Okay so what time should Sam and I be there?" he asked

"Around 8" I said with a smile

"Rachel that's less then 2 hours" he said jokingly

"You'll survive" I told him

He walked me to my car and told the girls that he'll see us later at my house I could tell his nervous but I hope my dads like him.

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