Chapter 7

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A few days had passed since Kayla was accepted into the Thunder Legion. Now she was sitting quietly at the bar table with a glass of water in front of her. Laxus had told them to take the day off due to the fact that they had been taking a job a day since Kayla joined them and it was about time for a break.

Her glove was off, exposing the seal that was on her forearm. She traced over it with her finger as she let out a sigh. She hadn't heard from any of her friends since they separated that stormy night. She wasn't even sure if they were alive. She knew that thinking those thoughts were the worst case scenario, but just the fact that she had't talked to them in a while made her worried.

"That's a peculiar mark." Freed said as he walked up to Kayla, causing the blonde to slap her hand over the seal and turn to look at Freed.

"Oh, yeah, it's just a...mark." Kayla said, looking at Freed who still had a neutral look on is face. "Nothing really special." Wow. That was so convincing. She thought to herself. Kayla grabbed the black material that went under her glove before Freed grabbed her arm, causing Kayla's breath to get stuck in her throat and look at him.

"It looks more like a rune seal to me."

A strike of fear went through Kayla's heart. The one person who has extensive knowledge on rune magic saw her seal. "It's nothing, really." She eventually said before she pulled her arm from his grip and quickly put her glove back on.

Freed's eyes narrowed the slightest bit, but Kayla was able to catch it, it was obvious to her that he didn't believe her.

"If you'll excuse me, I'm going on a walk." Sliding off the bar seat, Kayla headed out of the guild hall and took a deep breath. Deep breath Kayla. He couldn't of had enough time to read the entire rune... but he probably suspects something. Why did I have to be so obvious! she asked herself, cursing under her breath. As she walked through the town, she found herself walking along the vendor alley, the same one she had walked through on her first visit to the town. She walked past a magazine stand and stopped in her tracks.

Sorcerer's Weekly had released their newest issue, though it wasn't the picture of Mirajane on the cover that caught her attention. She walked towards the stand and grabbed one, starring at one of the side articles in horror.

Cause for Concern?
Rumors that Death Storm's Fearsome Five are on the run?
More on pg. 13.

It seemed that word had already spread about her escape, well, not her specifically but her group. Once more rumors arise and more people start to talk, wizards from different guilds would definitely going to be looking for her and the others. And it would only be a matter of time before she was found out along with the others and thrown in jail— or killed on the spot.

"Are you going to buy that?" The seller asked, breaking Kayla out of her thoughts.

"Oh, yeah, sure." Kayla said distantly as she grabbed some jewels and placing them on the counter before walking away. She found a tree to sit under and started to read the article.

The rumors around Fiore have held talk about the Dark Guild, Death's Storm.
Whispers that the Dark Guild's Fearsome Five are on the run are finding the ears of normal citizens.
Most who have heard of this rumor fear for their lives, which is understandable due to the dangerous reputation each of the members hold, and the whispers of the chaos their magic can ensue.

Even if the rumors prove to be false, keep a vigilant eye out and report anyone that might match the descriptions of any of the following wizards:

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