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I opened my eyes and looked around the room, the boys were still here each of them either sprawled on the floor and couches. We must have all fallen asleep during one of the movies we were watching. I looked down an noticed the arm that was draped across my waist. My eyes moved to the person next to me and laying there was Daniel, he was still sound asleep. I started to move and felt Daniel stir next to me, I turned my head to look at him as he opened his eyes.

"Hi." He said, smiling at me.

"Hi." I repeated, smiling back at him. I noticed how close our faces were and I blushed.

"I guess we all fell asleep watching the movie last night."

"Yeah." I said turning my head to look at the others boys around the room before looking back at Daniel. I don't think he noticed that his arm was still around my waist, not that I'm complaining.

"Are we gonna get up and eat breakfast or stay here?" I asked him.

"I mean we could stay here." He said, his smile getting wider.

"Okay." I said, giggling. We both just sat there looking into each others eyes before we were interrupted by someone coughing on the other side of the room. We both turned our heads and saw Jonah standing on the other side of the room. He smirked at us and raised his eyebrows before nodding down at Daniel's arm.

"Whatcha doing over there lovebirds?" He asked.

We both looked down at Daniel's arm and he quickly removed it and we both blushed.

"Uh nothing." We said.

"Mhm, yeah, okay. Well are we gonna go get coffee and breakfast or what?" Jonah asked.

"Well, we first have to get the rest of them up and get ready but yeah if you guys want to we can." I said.

"Sure." Both boys responded.

"Alright lets get up." Daniel said, starting to sit up.

I looked down at the floor. "Actually that kinda a problem, we can't get up." I said pointing down at Zach who was laying o the floor right below us.

"I got this." Daniel said as he reached for the pillow at his feet and there it at Zach's head.

"OW!" Zach moaned. "Why would you do that??!!"

I laughed. "That was all Daniel."

"Y/n! Don't throw me under the bus like that!" Daniel whined.

I looked at him and smiled before laughing again, "Sorry Dani boy but I don't need Zach mad at me. Now if you could excuse me I'm gonna go get ready." I said starting to get up as Zach did as well.

"I'm gonna kill you." Zach said to Daniel as he threw the same pillow back at Daniel.

"Shit." Daniel said grabbing a pillow and running away from Zach. I laughed before walking upstairs to change my clothes. After I finished changing I came back downstairs to see a full fledge war in my living room. Zach and Daniel were hitting each other with pillows while Corbyn tried to get out of the way without getting hit.

"What the hell?" I said.

"Don't even ask." Jack said, who had finally gotten up and was standing next to Jonah.

"This happens all the time at home." Jonah said.

I saw Daniel run towards me. He turned and ran behind me before grabbing my arms and pacing me directly in front of him using me like a shield.

"I am not your human shield, excuse you." I said.

"Sorry, but he won't stop hitting me with the pillow and he would never hit you so." Daniel said, still using me as his shield.

Zach had his pillow up ready to hit Daniel when he finally took a step away from me, so they were both jumping from side to side, Zach trying to hit Daniel and Daniel trying to dodge Zach.

"Ugh I'm hungry can we go." I said.

"Yeah c'mon guys." Jonah said.

"No, not until I hit Daniel one more time." Zach said.

"Oh my god fine, let me do it then." I said as I grabbed the pillow out of Zach's hands and turned and hit Daniel on his side with it.

"Hey!" Daniel said.

The rest of the boys burst out laughing.

"That works." Zach shrugged as he walked away to put his shoes on.

I looked at Daniel, "well are you gonna get your shoes on or what?"

"Yes ma'am.' He said walking away to put his shoes on.

I shook my head and smiled, then I turned to the rest fo the boys, "what are you doing just standing there, lets go people."

"Yes, my queen." Corbyn said, bowing.

"Oh shut up." I said pushing Corbyn's shoulder and laughing along with him.

"Guys hurry up!!!" Zach yelled from outside.

"You should not be the one saying anything Zach considering we were waiting on you before." Jonah said.

"Yeah well now I'm waiting on you guys so." Zach said a-matter-o-factly.

We all piled into the car and Daniel pulled out of the driveway.

"Can we go to Chipotle?" Zach asked, leaning forward in his seat so he could see everyone.

"NO." We all responded quickly.

"Awe." He said slumping back in his seat.

We all laughed.

"Zach how about we get Chipotle for lunch?" I ask.

"Oooo okay." He smiled excitedly. "This is why I like y/n better than all of you."

All of the boys gasped.

"Haha suck it boys." I said triumphantly.

"Oh yeah well y/n likes me better than you Zach so ha." Daniel said looking in his rearview mirror at Zach before returning his eyes to the road.

"Huh! Y/n is this true?!" Zach asked.

"I never said that, Seavey don't make up lies. I like you all equally." I said.

"That rough for you Daniel." Jack said. "Cuz ya know you like y/n a lot."

"Ooo really?" I asked smirking at Daniel, trying to cover up the fact that I was blushing.

"Shut up Jack." Daniel said glaring at him.

"Well from the looks of it y/n likes Daniel too, she's blushing." Corbyn said nodding over at me.

"No one asked for you input, Besson." I said, shooting him a look.

Daniel looked at me through the rear view mirror and smiled, causing me to smile back at him. Wow, the things he does to me. 


this part makes me laugh :)

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