Reliving the Past

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"Ms. Y/l/n?" Two detectives stood in the hospital doorway asking for me.
"Yes?" I asked, confused as to why they were here.
"I'm Detective Halstead and this is Detective O'Linsky. We need to ask you some questions," One of them said.
I turned back and looked at Zach and Corbyn, they both gave me confused looks. They didn't know either.
"I answered questions at the scene though," I said.
"We are aware but we have some more questions for you," The other detective, Detective O'Linsky, said.
I nodded and turned back to Zach and Corbyn. "I'll be back when I'm done," I said.
"I'm coming with you," Zach said as he started to get up.
"Zach, sit down. Rest. I'll be fine I promise," I said, giving him a reassuring smile. I left the room and closed the door behind me, following the two detectives to another room in the hospital, it looked like a meeting room or something. They directed me to sit across from the two of them on the other side of the table.
"So y/n, can you explain to us what happened." Detective Halstead said.
"Well this guy, who my friends and I have had prior incidents with, showed up at my door. He wanted to take me and my friends and my boyfriend protected me," I explained.
"What prior incidents are you talking about?" Detective O'Linsky asked.
"Well around a month and a half ago, I was walking home one night and thats when I first made contact with him. I don't really know what his plan was, my guess is to rape or kidnap me. That's when I met the boys, they helped me get away from the man," I explained, reliving the events that led up to me meeting the boys.
"So you know Thomas Wilder?" Detective O'Linsky asked.
"Yes, but I didn't know that was his name," I said.
"He's a known offender. Rape, kidnapping, you're one of the lucky ones. We've been after him for a while," Detective Halstead said.
"Lucky? Tell that to my friends and my boyfriend. He almost killed them," I said.
"Can you explain, in detail, exactly what happened?" Detective O'Linsky asked.
I let out a big breath and began to explain what happened, everything I saw and heard. It brought tears to my eyes that I had to go through every single detail that I could remember.
The two detectives nodded along to what I was saying and writing down certain things.
"Is, the man-Thomas Wilder, in your custody?" I asked.
"Yes, we took him in from the scene, still unconscious. Right now, I believe, he is being interrogated by other detectives on the case." Detective Halstead explained.
"Do you think he'll go to jail?" I asked.
"Well that all depends on you, are you willing to testify against him?" Detective Halstead asked me.
"Do I have to, shouldn't what I said here be enough? And everything at the scene, the evidence, you caught him in my house."
"It probably would stand in court yes but if you got up on the witness stand and explain everything you just did to us to a jury they are more inclined to vote guilty. And if your friends do as well. We could finally get him on every count that is up against him," Detective O'Linsky explained.
"Can I think about it?" I asked.
"Of course," both detectives said.
Just then, Zach bursted through the door frantically. He stopped and caught his breath then looked at me before saying, "Sorry to interrupt, but y/n, its Daniel.."


Word count: 604

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