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Y/n's POV
I looked over at the clock I had 40 minutes before the boys would be here, so I decided to quickly jump in the shower. After my shower I changed and did light makeup. Then I sat down on my couch scrolling through instagram waiting for the boys to arrive. I heard a knock on y door and I got up grabbing my bag and throwing some sneakers on before opening my door revealing Daniel and the rest of the boys behind him.
"Hi y/n." They all said.
"Hey boys."
"Ready to go?" Daniel asked with the biggest smile on his face.
"Yep. You seem happy. What's up with you?" I asked.
"Oh nothing." He said, the rest of the boys chuckling.
We all piled into the car and Daniel drove off to Chipotle. Once we arrived we all got out of the car and walked in. We each ordered our food and sat at a table in the back corner. I sat down one the bench and Corbyn started to sit down next me when Daniel quickly slid in next to me pushing Corbyn slightly. I raised my eyebrows and looked at him.
"What?" He asked.
I chuckled and shook my head. I looked up at Jonah for a second and saw him smirk at me. Zach sat on the other side of me while Corbyn sat in front of Daniel, Jonah in front of me, and Jack in front of Zach. We all started eating when Corbyn broke the silence.
"You know y/n, you're the topic of our fandom right now?" He said.
"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.
"Well since we met those fans, they told everyone about how we were without and how you are supposedly our new photographer." He explained.
"Oh god. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked.
"A little bit of both. But don't be surprised if they find your instagram." Jonah said.
"Any how would they do that?" I widened my eyes.
"I think one of the girls took a picture of you, it won't take long before they find you. Speaking of which we don't even have your instagram." Jack said.
"Oh yeah oops." I said. "Do you want it?"
"They'll find you fast if we follow you so I don't know if you want that." Corbyn said.
"I don't really care." I said shrugging.
"You'll get a lot of hate. Also they are gonna jump to conclusions and try to figure out which one of us you are dating." Zach said.
"But I'm not dating any of you." I said.
"Not yet." Daniel said under his breath.
"What?" I asked turning my head towards him.
"Nothing." He quickly said taking a sip his drink not making eye contact with me.
I looked at him weird before turning to face the other boys again. Corbyn had a smirk on his face as he looked at Daniel, he must have heard what he said.
Once we all finished eating we left Chipotle and got back into the car.
"Now what?" Jack asked.
We all shrugged, we were still in the Chipotle parking lot.
"Do you guys want to see the pictures I took of you all from when we were at the beach?" I asked.
"YES!" They all said, making me jump slightly because I didn't expect them to be that loud or excited.
"Alrighty then." I said laughing.
Daniel drove to my house and once we arrived I grabbed my keys and we walked into my house. We all took our shoes off and I led them into my "office". I sat down at the computer and opened up the files with their pictures in them. The boys were sitting on the couches behind me.
"Okay." I said stepping away from my desk so that the boys could see.
They stepped towards my computer and all stood around it, their jaws dropped when they saw and I smiled. I was kinda nervous for them to see the pictures, I don't know why.
"Holy shit." Corbyn said.
"These are so good." Jack said.
"Wow we look hot." Zach said.
"Oh my god Zach." I said laughing. "And thank you."
"I'm kidding! Well not really, but still you're a really good photographer."
I smiled again, "thank you."
"Y/n you're an amazing photographer." Daniel said turning around to look at me for a second and smiling at me.
"Not really, but thank you Dani." I said.
He blushed slightly before turning back around.
"These are awesome, can we post them?" Jonah asked turning towards me, the rest of the boys following him and looking at me. I wasn't sure at first but I knew that they really wanted to post them.
"Fine." I said, huffing before smiling at hem.
"Yes, that you y/n!" They all said hugging me.
"Yeah yeah whatever." I said walking over to my computer so that I can send them to the boys. Once I did they each went on their phones and got ready to post them.
"Hey, what's your instagram?" Zach asked.
"Yeah, we need to tag you." Corbyn said.
"Oh, it's (your instagram)." You said.
Each boy posted tagging you in the picture, also posting on the band account, doing the same. Seconds after they posted the photos your Instagram started blowing up.
"Damn, your fans go hard." You said opening your phone and scrolling threw your Insta, full of comments and dm's from their fans.
"Yeah." They all said laughing.
You put your phone on silent so that it would stop buzzing and you guys continued to hang out for the rest of the day.


Word count: 953

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