To New Beginnings

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~1 month later~
Todays the day where I stand up in front of him and explain to a jury what this man put me and the boys through. The boys have all healed, even though mentally I think we are all still scarred in certain ways. We are all testifying in court. I'm still nervous to get up on the stand and explain these past few months and everything that happened, especially in front of him.
"Baby?" Daniel's voice pulled me out of my thoughts as he entered the bedroom.
I turned and looked at him, I had stayed over at the boys' house last night. "Hey."
"You okay?" He asked walking towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist, leaving them to rest there.
"I'm fine," I said.
"You sure? You seem off," he said, concern in his eyes.
"I guess I'm just nervous about testifying today," I said. I was so grateful that he cared about me this much.
"I understand but the boys and I will be there every step of the way today," he gave me a reassuring smile before engulfing me in a hug.
"I love you," I said into his chest.
"I love you too," he said, kissing the top of my head. "The boys are downstairs, do you want to eat before we go?"
"Sure," I said. Daniel and I made our way downstairs and to the kitchen. The boys looked up at us as we entered.
"Hey y/n," Corbyn said as I sat down at the counter.
"Hey Corbyn, hey guys," I said.
"Hey," The rest of them said.
"How are you feeling?" Jack asked as he set a plate of waffles in front of me.
I smiled at him, "nervous."
"Don't be," Jack said.
"Yeah, we're gonna make sure that man goes to jail," Zach said as he sat down next to me.
"Theres no way he's gonna get away with this," Jonah said as he came over and leaned against the counter, coffee in hand.
"I know, it's just that we haven't seen him since that night and having to get up in front of everyone an explain these past few months is kinda just freaking me out," I explained.
The boys all nodded.
"Well, we're here for you," Corbyn said.
"Thank you," I said, looking at each of them.
"How do we always end up into these deep conversations?" Zach asked.
"I don't know," I said as we all laughed.
Zach grabbed one of my waffles and stuffed it in his mouth.
"Did you just take one of my waffles?" I asked.
"I did," He said, still chewing on the waffle in his mouth.
"You're a dead man," Daniel said walking away and towards the fridge.
I reached over and stuck my hands in Zach's hairs, messing it up.
Zach screamed, "not the hair! Why?!"
"Because you took my waffle," I said as I took a bite out of my last waffle before getting up and putting the plate in the sink.
"Now I gotta go fix my hair," Zach groaned.
"Honestly it looks better now," I said.
Zach gasped.
"You're so dramatic," I laughed as I walked over to him and fixed his hair so it looked like how it did before. "There now it's looks just like it did before."
Zach looked down at his phone, checking his hair, he nodded in approval.
"Ready to go?" Daniel asked, walking over to me.
"Yeah, let me go get my bag." I turned and walked up the stairs and into Daniel's room. I grabbed my bag before stopping in front of the mirror, I took a deep breath and straightened out my skirt. I nodded before walking out of the room and back down the stairs.
Daniel stood at the front door and had is hand outstretched for me to take. I grabbed it and we walked out to the car where the rest of the boys were waiting. As we drove to court Daniel held my hand the whole time. We pulled up to the court parking lot and Jonah parked the car. We all got out and looked at each other, standing in a circle.
"This man is going away for everything he has done to us. He will not get away with what he did and we're the ones who are gonna make sure that it happens," Jonah said.
We all nodded before going into a group hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes before pulling away and walking towards the entrance of the court. Once we walked in our families were already there, they filled up every bench on our side, except the first row. We all sat down in the front row. Thomas Wilder was brought into the court room, I felt Daniel squeeze my hand. I watched as he sat down at the defendants table, he looked over at us giving us a smirk, just like the ones he gave me before. But seeing it now didn't bother me like it did then, seeing him in handcuffs made him seem weak. He was shackled down and he couldn't hurt us even if he wanted to.
The judge came into the court room and we all stood. He gave us the signal to sit back down and we all did. The trial started and one by one we went up and testified, I was called up last.
"I would like you to explain everything to the jury. How you first come into contact with Mr. Wilder to now," The prosecutor asked me.
I nodded and started to explain everything, the first night of contact I had with him and how that caused me to meet the boys. All of the other times that he just showed up wherever I was, Starbucks, my date with Daniel. And finally, the night where he showed up at my house, nearly killing the boys. When I finished explaining I answered any questions from the prosecutor and the lawyer defending Thomas Wilder. After that was done I walked back down to where I was sitting with the boys.
Daniel wrapped his arm around me. "You did good," he whispered in my ear.
I nodded, all I hope is that that was enough to put Thomas Wilder in jail.
Eventually they finished all of the testimonies and the Jury retired to deliberate. After only 3 hours they came back out.
"What has the jury come to as the verdict?" The judge asked.
"The jury has found the defendant guilty, on all charges," One of the jurors said.
We all looked at each other, our families cheering behind us. The boys and I breaking down in tears of happiness and forming another group hug. We didn't say anything, we didn't need to, we were all thinking the same thing; we can finally be at peace.
We decided to celebrate back at the boys' house. All of our family members came. Someone brought champagne and was passing out.
"Who wants to make a toast?"
Everyone looked at me.
"I guess I will," I said. "I just want to say thank you, to everyone here who has been helping us recover from the events of last month." The families smiled at me. I turned toward the boys, "I would like to thank the five of you, you helped a complete stranger that night three months ago, you didn't have to but you did. And I'm so glad because now you have all become the most important people in my life. You have been helping me get through everything ever since then and I'm so very thankful for that. I love you all." The five boys smiled, I could see tears forming in everyones eyes. Tears started to form in mine as I continued to speak, "I would just like to say one last thing, something I never thought I would say. Thank you to Thomas Wilder, you put me through some of the worst pain emotionally and I have come out stronger because of it. You were the one who brought me to these five amazing people and because of it I have gained a group of people who I know will have my back through anything. You don't haunt me anymore, I won't ever forget what you did but I have moved on, because that's all I can do. Today is Thomas Wilder's end and my new beginning."
By now everyone was emotional.
I grabbed Daniel's hand in mine and looked him in the eyes. "To new beginnings."
"To new beginnings!" Everyone else repeated.
"To new beginnings." Daniel whispered to me, pulling me into a kiss.

The end.


Thank you all so much for reading!! I loved writing this story so much. Make sure to check out my other stories; Always and Forever and Friend of a Friend.

Word count: 1484

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