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"Whats wrong with Daniel, Zach?" I asked, urgently.
"He's awake," Zach said.
My eyes widened and I snapped my head towards the two detectives.
"Are we done here? Can I please go? I need to go see him, please," I begged them.
"We're done here. You can go," Detective Halstead said.
I thanked them both before turning towards Zach. He backed out of the room as I held the door then I walked out and we both made our way down the hallway of the hospital as fast as we could. I was ahead of Zach considering the fact that he was on crutches. We reached the room and I waited for Zach to catch up, once he got over to me he was out of breath. He nodded at me before I opened the door, letting Zach walk into the room first. Then I looked up, the door closing behind me. Daniel looked up at the same time as me, a huge grin came on his face causing me to smile back at him. Tears pricked my eyes as I quickly sat down in the seat I sat in before when I was waiting for him to wake up.
"You're okay," I breathed out, hugging him.
"I'm okay," He repeated.
I pulled away from the hug and looked at Daniel, he wasn't pale anymore, he looked healthy, alive. We both leaned in for a kiss, a passionate kiss, full of love and relief. Relief, that he's okay and with me again. After pulling away from the kiss, Daniel lifted his hand, wiping away the tears that were running down my face. He left his hand resting on my cheek, I leaned into it.
"I thought I was gonna lose you," I whispered to him.
"Never, you'll never lose me," Daniel said, holding my hands in his.
"I love you," I said.
Daniel stopped, his smile growing larger, "I love you too. I have been waiting so long to say that."
That was the first time we had said 'I love you' to each other.
"Aweee," everyone in the room gushed, Daniel and I turned and laughed as we looked at Daniel's family and Zach. I honestly forgot they were still here.
Daniel looked down at my shirt, still covered in his blood. "Did they catch him?" He said, looking back up into my eyes.
I nodded, "they got him."
I figured I would tell Daniel and the rest of the boys that they want us to testify, when we were all together. But for now I just wanted to spend time with Daniel.
"He didn't hurt you right?" Daniel asked.
"He didn't even get the chance," I said.
Daniel smiled, "how is everyone else? Zach, what about you?"
Zach sat down in a chair next to me, "I'm fine, just some stitches. Everyone else is doing well too."
"Good," Daniel nodded.
We heard a knock at the door and we all paused.
"Delivery for Daniel Seavey," someone said from behind the door.
Daniel's mom got up and opened the door.
"His three best friends," Corbyn said as Tyler dramatically pushed him into the room in a wheel chair.
"A.K.A the best delivery ever," Jack said as he was pushed by Anna into the room.
We all laughed.
"How you doing buddy?" Jonah asked Daniel as Christian pushed him to the opposite side of the bed, next to Daniel.
"I'm good. How about you guys?"
"Good," Jonah, Corbyn, and Jack replied.
"So theres something I need to tell all of you." I said, causing them to all turn towards me.
"You're pregnant?!" Zach asked.
Everyone's eyes went wide as they all looked at me.
"What?! No! Zach!" I said, quickly.
Everyone sighed in relief and Jack hit Zach over the head. (A/n: lmao this is funny i wrote this before we knew about Lavender so Gabbie was pregnant with her then🤭 )
"Anyway, I was talking to two detectives and they said that we need to testify when our case goes to trial," I explained.
"They want us all to testify against the guy?" Corbyn asked.
"Yeah, his name is Thomas Wilder. I don't know when the trial date is yet but that's what I was told," I said.
"I'll testify, anything to put that man in jail," Daniel said, the rest of the boys agreeing.
I nodded, I knew they would want to. I just wasn't sure if I was ready.
"You okay?" Daniel asked me.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I said.
He scooted over on his bed patting the spot next to him, "c'mon."
I smiled getting on the bed next to him, snuggling into his left side, he put his arm around me.
"Movie?" Daniel asked the guys and I.
We all nodded and Daniel turned on the TV searching for something to watch. He stopped on something; 'Mamma Mia!'.
We all looked at each other and smiled as Daniel pressed select on 'Mamma Mia!'
"We'll leave you guys alone. Y/n, you think yo can handle them?" Daniel's mom asked, as the rest of Daniel's family got all of their stuff together and got ready to leave.
"Yeah, I got them," I said, smiling at her.
"Call us if you need anything," She said before leaving.
We all waved good bye and then turned our attention back to the movie. And just like the first time, we sang along to each and every song. I looked at the boys and laughed as they were singing along to 'Dancing Queen' and in that moment I knew that we were all gonna be okay.


Word count: 936

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