The Storm

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The boys were over for another movie night; I guess that had become our thing. There was a knock on the door, so I paused the movie we were watching and stood up from my spot on the couch.
"I'll be right back," I said to the boys and they all nodded at me.
I thought it was strange that someone would be knocking on my door this late at night but I shook it off. So I made my way to the door and opened it. I looked up at the person standing there to see the one person I thought I wouldn't see again, who I never wanted to see again. Him.
"Hey beautiful," he said with that crooked, devilish smile.
I stood there, frozen; I couldn't say anything.
"Thought you would never see me again? Didn't I tell you that we would meet again?" he said as he took a step towards me.
I stepped back. "N-no," I whispered.
"There is no escaping me this time, beautiful," he said taking another step towards me.
"Y/n? Who's at the door?" Daniel asked.
But I didn't respond, I couldn't respond.
"Y/n?" Daniel called out again.
The man looked at me. Then the boys got up and came out to the doorway.
"Who is it?" Corbyn asked.
I stood there and just stared at the man.
"Oh hell no. You got to be kidding me! What are you doing here?" Jonah asked when he finally saw who it was.
"Look who it is. The little boys who saved you, yeah well not this time," the man said with a chuckle.
"Yeah and what makes you think that?" Zach asked.
"Well this time I was prepared for you all." He said as he moved his hand so that I could see something glisten.
"Zach, Corbyn take y/n into the other room." Daniel said, stepping in front of me.
"Daniel." I said.
"Y/n, go." Daniel said, ushering me out.
I felt Zach grab my arm, I turned and looked at him. He tugged at me slightly to move but I wouldn't budge.
"No I'm staying. Daniel, I'm staying," I said.
"You might want to listen to your little boyfriend, darling," The man said.
"Y/n, now!" Daniel said sternly.
Thats when Zach started to pull me, Corbyn walked behind me and Zach. They brought me into my room.
"What is he doing?" I asked them.
"I don't know." Zach said.
Zach brought me over to the corner of my room and sat me down, sitting next to me.
"I'm gonna go out there and see if they need help, Zach stay with y/n." Corbyn said.
Zach nodded at Corbyn.
"Be careful." I whisper-yelled at Corbyn. All he did was nod at me. I started to get nervous. I looked up at Zach, he could tell that I was nervous.
"Hey hey, shush, everything is going to be fine." He said, wrapping his arms around me and slightly rocking me back and forth.
"Just let me pass boys. Nothing has to happen to you all, just give me the girl." The man shouted.
"Never," I heard Daniel say.
"Fine, we can play it that way. Just remember, you dug your own grave," the man said.
That was the last thing any of the boys said. Then I heard a grunt, I knew it was Daniel. I screamed out. Zach covered my mouth with his hand, trying to silence me. I started to move myself out of Zach's grip; I had to go help the boys. But he pulled me back down.
"Y/n, no. You have to stay." Zach said.
"But they need help Zach." I said.
"Daniel told me to bring you in here to keep you safe— the last thing he wants is for something to happen to you. Everything is going to be okay but for now we have to stay put."
I stopped arguing with Zach, there was no point. Then I noticed that there wasn't any noises coming from outside of my bedroom. All I heard was silence. Then the man barged into my room and looked at me and Zach, huddled in the corner tears streaming down my face.
"Awe don't cry beautiful," he said to me.
Zach squeezed me tighter.
I looked at the knife in the mans hand, it was covered in blood. He had gotten past all of them. I knew what that meant.
Zach started to stand up
"Zach what are you doing." I asked him.
Zach ignored me.
"Boy, step aside, I already got through all of your friends. What's gonna make you any different," the man said to Zach.
"Leave," Zach said firmly.
The man just laughed.
"Zach, don't I can't lose you too," I said.
Zach ignored me again.
The man smirked; he raised his arm and was about to bring the knife down on Zach but was interrupted by sirens. The man looked at Zach and I; he knew he only had a few minutes to escape. He slashed Zach's thigh before pushing him to the ground and grabbing me. He yanked me off of the floor. I fought back trying to get out of the man's grip.
"Stop fighting you bitch," he said to me.
But that didn't stop me I kept pulling back, I stood firmly on the ground, not budging, trying to slow him down. Then he just dropped to the ground. I looked up to see Zach standing above him with a lamp in his hands. I looked down to see the man was unconscious on my bedroom floor. I kicked the knife away from him, just in case. And then I ran over to Zach, he slumped into my arms, weak from the slash on his leg.
"Zach," I said.
"I'm okay. Are you okay?" He asked me.
"I'm fine." I said to him, then I paused everything settled and I realized something. "The rest of the boys." I looked up at Zach in horror.
We both raced out of my bedroom. I stopped at the sight, my breathe hitched. I collapsed on the floor, sobbing. There laid Jonah, Jack, Corbyn, and Daniel each in their own pool of blood.

To be continued...


Word count: 1047

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