Getting Ready to Fight

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Bryan and I went down to the crime scene and saw blood everywhere. My sister's car was upside down and was crushed. I ran towards the car and started to search for her.

Jacob: "Nancy! Can you hear me? At this moment ambulance sirens were heard and it was getting louder as I knew they were here. Paramedics pushed me away from the car and started to return the car into its right position. The windshield was shattered into small pieces. I could barely see anyone inside the car at that moment but then paramedics, ripped the door off the car and I saw Nancy laying down with blood covered all over her clothes. She was hit by four bullets in her stomach and arms. It was the most horrific sight to watch, I was standing still as I was scared to move towards her. I gathered myself and walked towards her, I was crying like a baby when I held her in my arms, I could see her innocent, lifeless body in my arms laying in peace after a huge disaster.

I was informed that the attackers were in red cars which completely meant they were Sicilians.

Bryan: "What is the plan now"?

Jacob: "May God save them from my wrath, it is time for the war. I've been good with Sicilians but they attacked my sister, she was innocent and away from all of this, but now they will get what they deserve.

Bryan: "What do you mean"?

Jacob: "Assemble up the army, we are going to destroy them".

Bryan: "What about the rules, we can't wage a fight against them, they still are among the three kings of the country".

Jacob: "It is not about the rules anymore, do what I tell you to do".

Bryan: "All right, but it can cost us, they are bigger than us and you also know what Vice Lords do, they watch for opportunities and then they execute".

Jacob: "I don't care about anybody, not even you, if you don't shut up right now, I will forget that you were once my best friend".

Bryan: "I'll do it".

I went back to my office and gathered all my guards and army.

Jacob: "The Sicilians were once our friends, we never had any problem with them but this cheap trick they played against us will never be tolerated, it is time that we teach them a lesson they will never forget". Everyone started shouting and hooting for the victory but then I saw Bryan standing there looking at me like he lost his faith in me. I went to him and gave him an angry look.

Jacob: "You know how much I loved her".

Bryan: "It is not the thing I am worried about".

Jacob: "Then what is it?

Bryan: "Sicilians and Vice Lords are known to have wars with other gangs, that's how they came on top. Jack, we came here without fighting, just because of our skills and mental power, we are not ready for war right now".

Jacob: "To build a legacy, you need to start it and that's what I am going to do and if it was not for Nancy, I would never think about war, they took the most beloved thing in my life so they deserve to be punished". 

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