King of Kings

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Bryan: "After you went inside Jordi's office, I took some of the armies and went from the ground. I felt that something was not right, so I did that".

Jacob: "Yes, something was not right, I was nearly killed, Bryan". Bryan: "I know, but that was the best thing to do at the time, what if I stayed. We all were going to die. I saved a good proportion of the army and our business and now you are telling me that it's a betrayal". I was silent as I understood that whatever he did was right.

Jacob: "So now what, you are here to get back to the life I now hate, I am not going back".

Bryan: "Jordi is still alive". I stood up with this shock, my forehead was wrinkled and mouth was open.

Jacob: "How can this be possible? I shot him".

Bryan: "Yes but somehow, God saved you from killing an innocent for the crime he never committed".

Jacob: "What are you talking, we both know that red cars are his and he kind off accepted it".

Bryan: "It was Vice Lords. They wanted the control of the country back, it is their history that they do these kinds of things and blame someone else". I saw Carly with opened eyes, I knew that Vice Lords could do this but the evidence was telling a different story.

Carly: "How are you sure about it"?

Bryan: "I investigated, and at last he confessed it thinking that Jack was dead and now Vice Lords are the Kings of the country". Jacob: "They can become the kings time to time but I am the king of kings". I saw Carly smiling at me as I smiled back.

Bryan: "Everyone outside thinks that you are dead".

Jacob: "That's better, we will hit them harder with this misconception".

Bryan: "So what are we going to do"?

Jacob: "One Last War to get back our dignity, power, and revenge of my sister".

Bryan: "They are ten times more than us, it's impossible".

Jacob: Set up my meeting with Jordi, I have a plan".

Bryan: "The second they see you they are going to kill you".

Jacob: "Tell him I'll be unarmed, I know him he will definitely listen".

Bryan: "What time should I send the car to take you back to The Mansion from this hut"?

Carly: "Excuse me! This is called a house, you can take your douchiness somewhere else".

Jacob: "You know that douchiness is not a word".

Carly: "Yeah, but it suits him".

Jacob: "Bryan this is indeed a house, quit better one actually than my Mansion". 

Bryan: "You seem to be a different person".

Jacob: "I think that too, send the car tomorrow morning".

Bryan: "Isn't it late".

Jacob: "It is, but I have some business to take care of". I smiled at him as he walked out of the "house".

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